47 - Critically Aclaimed and Cult Faves Arcade - @DavidGibbs6 - Virtual Reality

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Critically Aclaimed and Cult Faves Arcade

By DavidGibbs6 

"What?" Brett stammered, physically shaking.

"What" ain't no country I know! Do they speak English in "What?" The intimidating man with a shiny black afro says, with such presence it makes Brett shake.

"What?" Brett's chest hurts and his brain is struggling. The shaking won't stop and what is all he can manage.

"English-motherfucker-can-you-speak- it?"

"Yes." Brett bearly squeaks out.

"Then you understand what I'm sayin'?"

Brett manages a yes but he doesn't understand what this man is saying. He has forgotten the man's name but the man is saying a name that he hasn't forgotten. Marcellus Wallace. He will never forget that. But the man keeps asking nonsensical questions and he... he just killed George.

"What." Brett knows it's bad as soon as the word leaves his lips, he wishes he can take it back.

"Say "What" again! C'mon, say "What" again! I dare ya, I double dare ya motherfucker, say "What" one more goddamn time!"

Brett is sure he is finished now. He tries his best to answer the questions but his chest hurts and the anxiety is crippling him.

When the crazy eyed man shoots him it takes the chest pain away for a second and everything is focused on the physical pain. But soon it's back worse than ever and it's piled on top of the pain from the bullet in his shoulder.

Brett knows this is going to end badly and he wishes it was already over. He wishes he would pass out. He wishes it would stop, it's excruciating in every way.

The hit man is now quoting the bible. For a microsecond Brett feels a glimmer that he might not die but now he is pointing his gun at Brett again and seconds later the shots rip through him feeling like someone is hitting him in the chest with a hammer. At least it's over. Everything is fading. He can strangely feel himself dribbling but he is unable to even lift his head.

And then Brett is awake.

The nurse welcomes him back and smiles in a weird, almost mocking way. Something was not right. He shouldn't be alive. And he is trying to think about the flat and the two men. Marcellus Wallace. He wants to resolve things but his brain can't focus on the logistics and where is he?

"Just relax and take deep breaths." The nurse is reassuring and very casual. Her name tag says Isla.

"I was shot!" Brett looks at her pleadingly.

"It's a buzz isn't it." She gives that same mocking smile, or maybe it was not mocking, maybe it's bemusement.

"It was intense." Not-Brett says realising for the first time that he isn't Brett at all.

"Take a minute." Isla reassures him.

"Woah, shit." Seth exclaims

"And we are back." She giggles and Seth realises Isla is cute and the smile is definitely bemusement.

"So do you play?" Seth is well and truly back now. His old self is flooding back in and the memories of Brett are like a bad dream.

"Oh yeah." She looks bright and bubbly as she replies. This is clearly her jam. "When the shop closes, we are all up on this."

"Nice, what's your recommendation for next time then." Seth asked both curious and happy to keep the conversation going.

"Actually your friend will be a while on the Pulp Fiction. If you like I could tap you in again?" She offered eagerly. "Just not to the same movie, that one is already running."

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