V. The Light and The Dark

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"If only we had Scarlet, we'd have the whole band back together!" Darling Sagittarius said, brightly. "Scarlet?" Hoshi asked. "Oh yeah, she's kinda creepy, but at least loyal." Darling Leo said, rather insincerely. "And we need to get going!" Vega said, impatiently. "Hey, hey hey! Let us un-transform first." Darling Libra said to Vega. Darling Sagittarius, Libra, and Leo proceeded to un-transform. "Okay, let's go." Sage said to Hoshi. The latter teleported the Star Darlings from the palace to a rocky fuchsia space. "This is different," Sage commented as a slightly cold wind rushed through her hair. They looked around the new environment, taking it all in. "Oh look! A cave!" Leona pointed out. A large cave sat a couple of feet away from them - the entrance was large enough for a giant to climb in, and there were sparkles inside, making it look like crystals were inside - The Star Darlings entered the cave, confident that either they'd find Scarlet or Scarlet would find them.

It began to get dark inside the cave, but the crystals twinkled like the stars in the night sky, and provided the four with light sources, along with the stars on their clothes. "I think Scarlet would be the type of Starling to hide here." Sage remarked. "Definitely." Libby answered. "Scarlet will probably not like it if you were speaking about her behind your back." Vega chimed in. However, the crystals began to get more and more spaced out, and darkness began to cover the Star Darlings and Hoshi. There was dead silence afterward, each Star Darling started to get lost - Leona walked down a different path, thinking that the others went that way. Libby spotted something pink and sparkly and proceeded to follow it, while Vega followed her, making sure that Libby didn't go down a different path. All that was left was Sage and Hoshi, and they didn't even realise that the others were gone - "I think I should light up this place." Sage thought. She produced a ball of lavender light, but it was there Sage realised that Leona, Libby, and Vega weren't following her anymore. "No wonder it was so quiet! Leona usually hums, and Vega murmurs to herself rather anxiously." Sage exclaimed. "Wow, and it took you so long to realise that they were gone?" Hoshi asked, rather rudely. "Not funny, Hoshi, I almost think you're Scarlet in disguise." Sage snarled.

Sage's Perspective: "I wish I looked back!" Sage complained to herself. "Now it's just like when Lady Stella brought me into the Starlight Mirror!" Sage was on the verge of a breakdown, this had completely overwhelmed her in such a way that it was pretty irrational. Eventually, Sage just sat on a nearby rock, planted her head into her crossed arms, and cried. It was very unusual for Sage to cry, she was normally the positive, uplifting type, but now she was acting like all of her friends had completed their Cycles of Life right in front of her. Hoshi felt so bad for Sage, even though it didn't know what it was like to be separated from friends, people that you care about in general. Hoshi placed themselves onto Sage's head. "Now now, Sage, we'll find them again," Hoshi said, trying to comfort Sage. "Do you really think so?" Sage asked, lifting her head. "Yes, now come on! There's no need to get upset!" Hoshi said, brightly. And with that, Sage lifted herself off of the rock and advanced through the cave with her partner-in-crime-ever-since-she-was-ushered-into-a-mirror, Hoshi. The two walked down a long tunnel of crystals that were conspicuously colour-coded for each colour of the rainbow, Sage thought it was a little weird that those crystals were coloured that way. "Pretty, but not something Scarlet would like." She thought. Suddenly, the crystals became more spread out, and the cave got brighter. The source was a hole that lead to a naturally-created slide. "I wonder where it goes." Sage said to Hoshi. "There's only one way to find out!" It said back to Sage. In response, Sage took a deep breath and went down the slide.

Libby and Vega's Perspectives: "Libby! Where are you going?" Vega asked, quite frustrated with Libby. Libby was always the calm and collected type......when she wasn't talking or thinking about pink. Suddenly, Libby slid down a slide, and Vega went after her. The two girls landed in a deep, dark area. It was quite cold down there, and very damp. The mist moved about the area very slowly like a Trojanturtle; one of the slowest animals on Starland. "I hope you're happy, Libby! Now we don't know where Sage went!" Vega said in a huff as she got off of Libby. "Calm down, Vega," Libby said, in a reassuring manner. "No, Libby! I will not calm down! I can't believe that some stupid little colour is enough to distract you!" Vega shouted, pointing her finger in Libby's face. The latter walked away from the former so she could calm down, however, this annoyed Vega even more. "Libby, don't be rude!! Get back here right now!!!" She demanded. She ran after Libby as she continued to walk away from her, Libby meanwhile, wasn't talking to Vega as she was being too angry. Libby looked around to see if she could find a way out of this weird place, and before she could spot it, Vega yanked Libby away like a dog on a leash, and Libby found herself inches from Vega's angry face. "I told you not to walk away from me!" Vega said through gritted teeth. "Well, Vega, I hate to break it to you, but you're being a bit too angry," Libby said, casually. "I am NOT being angry! If you didn't walk away from me I wouldn't be so ANGRY!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?" Vega shouted. Even though Vega could be quite critical, she was being too rough with Libby, how ironic that she has ice magic for being very bad-tempered. Libby walked away again and Vega eventually realised that SHE was the problem, not Libby. "Libby! Wait!" Vega said, much more calmly. Libby turned around. "Listen, I'm sorry that I've been so angry, I got a little too frustrated with you, all because you were following your favourite colour." Vega apologised. Libby smiled once more and led Vega down the tunnel once more. "Hey look! Another slide!" Libby exclaimed. Suddenly, thousands of small red eyes opened up, they were like cherries on bushes. "Oops," Libby said quietly. Vega pushed Libby towards the slide as bats began to ambush them, and then, they slid down.

Leona's Perspective: Leona couldn't see through the darkness and it made it impossible for her to see, so she had to rely on her star instinct to find her way. Eventually, Leona decided to sing 'Starlight' to ease herself more. "Up in the sky, looking down on life~" She sang, and the tunnel echoed her singing. "Cool!" She commented. "We are starlight! Starlight!" She continued singing, unaware that another naturally-created slide was sitting right in front of her. "Between the moon and the city lights! We are-" Leona was cut off as she fell down the slide. 

As everyone slid down, they encountered each other once more. "Hey! I'm so glad you stars are fine!" Sage said, joyfully. "Yeah, about that, we were ATTACKED BY WINGED CREATURES!!!" Vega said, nervously. "And I was singing when I fell in here." Leona chimed in. Before the Star Darlings and Hoshi knew it, they found themselves smack dab in a bendy, fuchsia-gemmed tunnel. They weren't completely sure, but they had a pretty good idea that Scarlet was here. At the end of the winding hall, a familiar voice called out. "About time you stars got here!" The Star Darlings looked over and spotted Scarlet trapped in an energy field surrounded by rocks. "I can agree." An evil version of Scarlet was nearby. "Call me Telracs!" She said. The Star Darlings transformed much to Telracs's disbelief. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Archer! I am Darling Sagittarius!" Darling Sagittarius announced. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Scales! I am Darling Libra!" Darling Libra announced. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Lion! I am Darling Leo!" Darling Leo announced. "And I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Maiden! I am Darling Virgo!" Darling Virgo announced. "We are the Star Darlings, and we won't let you continue your reign of terror!" Darling Sagittarius said. "Pfft, what do I care?" Telracs asked. "Virgo Snowflake Explosion!" Darling Virgo exclaimed, blasting the destructive blizzard towards Telracs. The attack half-worked, because even though Telracs dodged the attack, the energy field was broken down by the snow. Darling Sagittarius chucked the light fuchsia, skull-shaped Star Pact towards Scarlet. "What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked, skeptically. "Shout out: "Scorpio Star Formation!" Take the puff, and transform!" Darling Sagittarius explained. "And why should I?" Scarlet asked. "Just do it for star's sake!" Hoshi groaned. "Scorpio Star Formation!" Scarlet exclaimed. She patted the puff all over her body, this time producing patches of darkness, her Star Darling uniform was fuchsia with Scorpio motifs. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Scorpion! I am Darling Scorpio!" Scarlet announced. "No! I won't let you overpower me!" Telracs scowled. "Scorpio Shadow Waltz!" Darling Scorpio exclaimed as she pointed two fingers at Telracs, a river of darkness swirled around Telracs and dissolved along with her. "At least that's over." Darling Scorpio sighed.

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