X. Gone With The Wind

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"Now, let's go find the next Star Darling." Sage said to the other eight Star Darlings. "Alright, Sage, we'll get going!" Hoshi replied. It generated the teleporting aura to take the Star Darlings to the following area, they all wished goodbye to the forest animals before they left, as did the grateful critters. The new location was different from the rest, as it was high in the sky. Everyone opened their eyes and was quite underwhelmed. All around them were clouds and a blue sky in all directions. "Is this it?" Vega asked Hoshi. "No, no, no! This place is much more than sky, Vega!" Hoshi answered, brightly. "What do you mean?" Leona asked. Hoshi edged towards the tip of the cloud they were standing on and closed its eyes. "Nothing's happening you little-" Before Scarlet could finish her sentence, Hoshi made a rainbow appear. Everyone (but Scarlet, of course) was amazed by this. "Star-tastic!" Libby breathed. "That's unbelievable!" Tessa chimed in. Nearly all of the Star Darlings slid down the rainbow, Scarlet was behind them, pretending the rainbow was a skateboard. When she came down, the other Star Darlings looked at her blandly. "What!?" She exclaimed, making an angry gesture. "She makes Vivica look pleasant." Sage quietly said in Libby's ear. They looked and saw that there were more rainbow slides that led to more clouds. "Ooh! This is going to be fun!" Libby said. "Well, what are you all waiting for? Go down!" Hoshi exclaimed to the Star Darlings. Again, all of them slid down with Scarlet lagging behind them. Some of the following slides defied gravity, so that was an experience. The rainbow slides stopped on a giant cloud with temples on it, all being white, and having marble columns.

Suddenly, the wind began blowing fiercely. The Star Darlings and Hoshi were struggling to progress as the wind was too high. Angelic-looking Starlings were also being blown away. The cloud appeared to have gone on forever, and a darker cloud was coming, signifying rain. "Starf! That's all we need now!" Sage complained as the wind got heavier. Not long after, it began to rain. They walked past more temples as the rain belted down from the sky, hoping to find shelter from the rain. "I think that's a good place to stop at." Tessa said, gesturing to a small temple nearby. The Star Darlings all went in, fighting against the mighty breeze. They stayed in that temple for quite a while until the rain stopped, but the wind was still too strong. They continued to brave the harsh breeze for a while until they reached another rainbow, it wasn't like the slides, it was essentially a pathway and a very dangerous one at that. Luckily, the pathway wasn't that thin. Sage went first, she put her arms out, and carefully walked down the long rainbow. The remaining eight Star Darlings followed suit. 

The wind was relentless, zooming towards the girls like a Glowfur. This went on for what felt like Star Years, until they came to an extremely large temple - It wasn't like the others on the other cloud, it was cloud-coloured but leaning towards a more sky-bluish shade, it appeared to be larger, and sat on a small cloud that was big enough to carry it - "That has to be where the wind is coming from." Hoshi hypothesised. The group trudged against the wind, but it was as if it was trying to stop them. To tell them to go away. In a sparkle of good fortune, they made it to the temple steps, and as the wind died down, they walked up. Standing in the entrance was a Dark Darling that resembled Adora, looking unamused, and behind her was Adora who was encased in stone. "Adora!" All of the Star Darlings exclaimed. "It's Aroda, fools!" The Dark Darling complained. "Not you!" Sage said, pointing at Aroda. "Girls! Let's transform!" Sage said to the Star Darlings. After they transformed and recited their speeches, they turned their attention to Adora. "Sagittarius Shooting Star Arrow!" Darling Sagittarius commanded, sending the arrow toward Adora. Adora broke free and collapsed. "Oh, dear!" Hoshi exclaimed. It took a pale cyan cloud-shaped Star Pact and flew towards Adora. "Oh! A makeup pact!" Adora guffawed. "A Star Pact, that is," Hoshi answered. "Say: "Aquarius Star Formation!" Take the puff and transform! Then say: "Aquarius Star Supernova!" When you want to change back." Hoshi explained. "Ok then." Adora said, taking the compact. "Aquarius Star Formation!" She exclaimed. When Adora moved the puff around her body, it produced a breeze. When she patted herself, it produced clouds. Her Star Darling costume was cyan and had Aquarius motifs. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Water-Bearer! I am Darling Aquarius!" Darling Aquarius announced. Aroda rolled her eyes. "Aquarius!" Darling Aquarius exclaimed. "Cirrus Breeze!" She drew her arms close to her body, and quickly spread them out, creating an extremely high wind. This blew Aroda out of the temple and somewhere down below. 

Star Darlings; The Starlight MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora