XI. The Sing-Off

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With Aroda gone, that made 10 Star Darlings, only two left to find; Clover, and Gemma. "I think it's best that we get going!" Darling Pisces said to Darling Sagittarius through the Star Darlings talking to one another. "Zimmer Down, all of you!" Darling Sagittarius exclaimed to the Star Darlings. They all went silent. "We only have Gemma and Clover left to find." She began. "I really really hope we find Gemma!" Tessa interrupted. "We will, Tessa!" Sage groaned. "And there's no time to waste! With all twelve of us, we can finally stop Rancora and the Negasociety, and guide this world to peace once more!" She continued. "She literally forgot about Rancora until now?" Vega complained to herself. "Now, let's move on!" Hoshi said. It generated the teleporting aura which encased all the Star Darlings and took them away from the sky temple. The new location was...different...to say the least - the sky was violet with a very pale shade of whitish purple. Below the Star Darlings' feet was a long, endless, light yellow platform with five black horizontal lines and strange symbols on it. Around the Star Darlings were strange objects that looked like instruments; but certainly not the kind on Starland - "This platform looks like one of those music track things." Sage said, looking down at the ground. The other girls looked down at the floor too. "That's because it is." Vega said. "Hey! Where's Libby?" Hoshi asked. The Star Darlings looked around for Libby, and then, they heard lovely descending chords. "Over there!" Adora exclaimed, pointing at Libby sliding down a harp (as one does). "Whee!" Libby squealed as she slid down the soundboard, brushing against the strings. "How did you even-!?" Sage asked forcefully, throwing her hands in the air. "I teleported up there while you weren't looking. I love the sound of this..." Libby interrupted. "...harp, Libby. Harp." Hoshi said, coldly. Sage got Libby down from the harp and then led her and the other Star Darlings away.

At some point during the journey, the music track stopped dead in its tracks (hehe), and it looked like nothing else was in its place. "I guess that's it." Leona said, rather bored. "It can't be." Tessa chimed in. And before anyone could think of what to do next, black guitar picks appeared and formed a staircase. "Ah, how convenient," Sage said in delight. They climbed up the picks as they would going upstairs. The picks lead to ascending xylophone bars, which the Star Darlings also climbed, albeit with more fun. "Can you stop!?" Hoshi complained, sick of the Star Darlings jumping up and down the xylophone. Following the xylophone was a river of piano keys, with brass and woodwind instruments floating around. As the Star Darlings jumped from key to key, a trumpet let out a huge squeak, creating a huge current. "Excuse you!" Sage exclaimed, shielding her face. The oboe and clarinet nearby also began spewing notes. "That's it!" Leona exclaimed. "Leo Star Formation!" She transformed into Darling Leo. "Leo Luminous Globe!" Darling Leo chucked the ball of light at the clarinet, stopping the music. "Good thinking, Leona." Astra said, taking out her Star Pact. "Aries Star Formation!" She exclaimed, transforming into Darling Aries. "Aries Burning Soccer Ball!" Darling Aries exclaimed, kicking the burning ball at the trumpet. "Sagittarius Star Formation!" Sage exclaimed, transforming into Darling Sagittarius. "Sagittarius Shooting Star Arrow!" Darling Sagittarius exclaimed, sending the arrow towards the oboe, clogging it. The three Star Darlings returned to their Starling forms once they were done with the job. The piano keys lead to a new music track, which lead to a giant music stand. On the music stand was a Dark Darling version of Clover with the latter trapped in a libretto. "Clover?" Vega asked. "Clover? There's no Clover here!" The Dark Darling said, maliciously. "Stop lying." Vega snarled. "Oh please, I'd never lie. Now if you'll excuse me, I, Revolc, would like to sing you a song." Revolc said. Her singing was absolutely atrocious, like a cat trying to sing opera, it was poorly off-beat and her voice was hoarse and shrill. "I can do better than that!" Leona exclaimed, suddenly. "Do your worst!" Revolc said, looking quite annoyed.

"Take a deep breath, gotta find your own light! Watch all the petals of a dandelion fly! Let a shooting star run across the midnight sky!" Leona sang. Five of the Star Darlings' instruments materialised out of nowhere. As Leona continued to sing 'Wish Now', the song caused Clover to slowly emerge from the libretto. "Now for some unfinished business." Clover said, looking at Revolc. "Here!" Sage exclaimed, chuckling a pale purple, music note-shaped Star Pact towards Clover. "Take the puff, shout out: "Capricorn Star Formation!", then transform! And then say "Capricorn Star Supernova!" when you're done!" She explained. "Capricorn Star Formation!" Clover exclaimed. She took the puff and patted her body, producing musical notes, while she transformed, the instruments began playing an intense melody. Her Star Darling costume was purple with Capricorn motifs. "I am the Star Darling, who represents the sign of The Goat! I am Darling Capricorn!" Darling Capricorn announced. "They weren't playing when I was singing!" Revolc realised. "Maybe because they don't respond to bad opera." Darling Capricorn said, wittingly. "See you!" Revolc growled, turning to Darling Capricorn. "Capricorn!" The latter announced. She drew a purple G-Clef in the air as the music grew more and more suspenseful. "Tutti Rhapsody!" Darling Capricorn sent the music note flying towards Revolc, a solo timpani drumroll signifying the tension. As the music note hit Revolc, a tutti chord erupted from below as she disappeared. "That was intense." Darling Sagittarius commented.

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