Final Chapter: Rancora's Purification

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There, standing in front of the Star Darlings and Hoshi was Rancora's base, The Negacathedral. They stood in the barren, dark landscape as a cold wind rushed past the Star Darlings like microscopic marathon runners. "Okay girls, this is it, the final stretch of the journey." Super Darling Sagittarius said to the other Super Star Darlings. The cathedral was tall, high and seemed to reach the heavens. There were four giant belfries at the front of the facade along with two lancets and a giant rose window. There were two giant towers on both sides of the front that had a spire sitting on top. They walked up all 20 steps to the door and went indoors. In the Negacathedral, it was very, very strange, it was like a reverted line drawing where everything white was in black and where everything black was in white. "This place is very weird, I have to say." Super Darling Aquarius commented. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here." A familiar voice said aloud. "Is it-!?" Super Darling Leo breathed. "Could it be!?" Super Darling Virgo chimed in. "It can't!" Super Darling Cancer added. "Yes, Star Darlings, it's me, Rancora!" Rancora appeared in front of the SDs in all her negative glory. "It appears you have defeated all the Dark Darlings with your piddly-diddly attacks." Super Darling Sagittarius gave Rancora a disgusted look and then gave her a serious look. "I'll show you piddly-diddly." She said, threateningly. "Alright, then we'll prove it by putting you in rooms as trials!" Rancora answered, nonchalantly. Rancora sent all twelve Star Darlings to different rooms and captured Hoshi. "You won't get away with this!" Hoshi growled.

Super Darlings Sagittarius and Cancer found themselves in a long hallway with tables, plants, and picture frames with no pictures. "What is this place?" Super Darling Cancer asked. Then, an extremely busty woman in a skin-tight black dress and high boots appeared in front of the two. "Who are you?" Super Darling Sagittarius demanded. "I am Setsuna, the manifestation of your inner self-doubts and loneliness." The lady answered. "Well, I'm willing to conquer my inner self-doubts about being the worst wish-granter." Super Darling Sagittarius declared. "And I'm willing to conquer my feelings of loneliness!" Super Darling Cancer chimed in. "Pfft, don't make me laugh, Lavender Girl and Scaredy Cat." Setsuna shrugged. Super Darling Cancer made a heart shape with her hands and placed it above her chest. "Cancer Heart And Soul Oscillation!" Super Darling Cancer spun the heart sign in a circle, creating two energy hearts before blasting them towards Setsuna, lots of emotion ribbons were flying about as well. "Ow! That hurt!" The woman snarled. "You can say otherwise for this!" Super Darling Sagittarius announced, confidently. She aimed one finger at Setsuna, which charged up with lavender energy. "Sagittarius Nocturnal Beam!" A beam of starlight shot toward Setsuna and made her vanish. "Wow!" Super Darling Cancer breathed. And then, the two disappeared from the hallway.

Meanwhile, with Super Darlings Gemini and Libra, they found themselves in a room that resembled a small round ballroom. This time, a small hooded old man, who was the manifestation of Libby's concealed bad intentions and Gemma's fear of unpopularity, appeared. "Ew." Super Darling Libra said, disgusted. "What or who are you?" Super Darling Gemini asked the old man. "I am Kako, your bad intentions and unpopularity manifested." He answered. "Bad intentions? Bad Intentions? I'll show you "bad intentions"." Super Darling Libra said, assertively. "Don't worry Libra, I'll take on this old fart first!" Super Darling Gemini said as she pulled her arms behind her head with her hands open, lightning bolts began to charge up. "Gemini Lightning Blaster!" Super Darling Gemini sent the lightning bolts flying toward Kako. He was stunned for a few seconds. "Now Libra!" Super Darling Gemini exclaimed, turning to Super Darling Libra. "Libra!" Super Darling Libra moved her arms up and down like a balance scale as two pink hearts materialised. "Romantic Balance!" Super Darling Libra exclaimed as she chucked both hearts at Kako, disintegrating his physical form. With that, Super Darling Libra and Gemini were taken out of the ballroom.

As for Super Darling Virgo and Pisces, they were in a room with long windows that resembled the snow palace from before. The ground was as frigid as glass left out in the winter. A small malformed black figure with sharp little horns, displaced arms, eyes as red as rubies in the morning sun, and an ever-gaping mouth of yellow teeth formed from negative energy. This figure was the manifestation of Piper's bad dreams and visions, and Vega's fear of not being good enough. Super Darling Virgo jumped back in shock. "Yikes! You're ugly!" She said. "Hey! Laide have you know Mistress Rancora thinks Laide beautiful!" Laide said. "My grandmother is more beautiful than you." Super Darling Pisces remarked. "How dare evil ponytail girl! Laide kill ponytail girl!" Laide jumped towards Super Darling Pisces. "Pisces Wavy Mystery!" Super Darling Pisces announced as she spun her arm in a circle creating streams of water before splashing Laide. "Ah! Laide is wet!" The figure screeched. "Virgo Icy Illusion!" Super Darling Virgo exclaimed as she sent thousands of ice crystals flying toward Laide which froze him. "That takes care of it." Super Darling Virgo sighed. "Agreed." Super Darling Pisces agreed. And in the blink of an eye, they were transported out of the long-windowed room.

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