Chapter 1

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SONG FOR THIS CAHPTER: Rolling in the deep by Adele

"Miss Harlow your mother and sister have arrived" The maid says with a knock on the door. 

"I'll be down in a minute." I say. I really should have faked sick as Madeline suggested I do but, nope my morals of honestly came in clutch in just the best time ever. Why does it come in now and not all those other times? Like that one time when I lied about where I was going. Or when I-

"HARLOW!!" I hear my grandma yell from the downstairs cutting off my thoughts. 

"ONE SECOND" I yell back as a finish my last curl and turn off my curling iron, and get a once over in the mirror one last time before walking out of my bedroom. 

"Took you long enough" my grandma says looking me up and down.

"Well all this doesn't come naturally." I say.

"I like that dress. Where did you get it?" My mother, Lorelai asks to me. Now, this is not  weird question. However, when you get left behind by the woman who birthed you choosing your twin sister instead and than running away it becomes a weird question.

"I found it at a little boutique like 10 minutes away from Chilton." I say with a small smile. Just as I finished my sentence a maid brings out champagne. 

"Wow fancy." I hear my mom mumble underneath her breathe. 

"Well its not everyday I have all of my girls together the same day the banks are open." Grandma says clearly hinting to everyone in the room why they are here. Except for Rory, she doesn't have a clue. At least that is what grandpa said and not to say anything to Rory. 

"To Rory starting a new chapter in her life." she says and raises her glass as everyone says 'to Rory' and takes a sip of their glasses and sits down. My grandfather and I on the couch and opposite sit Rory and my mom, showing the two different families. 

"Education is the most important thing in the world. Next to family." Grandma says with a slight smile on her face. 

"And pie. Joke. Joke." Lorelai says awkwardly and laughing nervously trying to ease the tension. 

"'s Chilton Harlow? Rory asks trying to start a conversation. Though, she has never done anything to me I can't help but envy her in a way. She has my mom, my grandparents, and my dad. Though, I have my grandparents and close friends that are like sisters to me it will never be the same. 

"It's good a bit difficult. However, you will survive I think." I say to her.

"God, you're making it seems like she's preparing for war." Grandpa says. 

"Well, class can be like that sometimes. Remember when that one teacher that would make senior fail their his class making them retake the year if they failed one assignment." I say.

"That is no where near as harsh as war." Grandma says to me.

"Highschool can feel that way. Never knowing who can betray you or make you fail or you can be simply left behind." I say and look at my mom saying the last part of my sentence a flash of guilt and hurt goes across my mothers face. 

"Harlow-" My mom starts.

"Dinner is ready" the maid comes in cutting off my mom and starts to lead us into the dining room. I sit across from Rory and my mom while, my grandparents sit across on either end of the table. 

We start to eat dinner in silence. I start to feel a little guilty about saying that to her. As we ate in silence I start to think about how different I am from them. I'm shorter then them standing at 5'4. We are different in almost everyway except for my hair color and bright blue eyes. While, they have shorter hair I have waist long pin straight hair. 

"So, grandpa how is the insurance biz?" Rory asks trying to defuse the tension in the air.

"People die we pay. People crash a car we pay." He says dully clearly wanting to be anywhere else but hear. I bet he wants to love golf. He really does love golf.

"Well at least you have your new slogan." Lorelai jokes and grandpa merely nods. 

"How's that motel that you work at?" Grandpa asks my mom. 

"The inn, they're great." she says to him before taking a sip of her wine.

"Lorelai is the executive manager now, isn't that great? Grandma says and looks at me hoping for me to praise her for her high position. 

"Speaking of which your father called." Grandpa says changing the subject. I already know this and start t zone out. You know what is such a underrated fruit blackberries. They are so flavorful and they should be more peoples favorite fruit but no. Strawberries and mango just have to be better to people. 

"I'm going to go grab a coke or a knife!" My mom says getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen.  

"I will be right back I'm going to go talk to her." Rory says pushing her chair away from the tbale to get up.

"No, I'll do it," Grandma says with a sigh and standing up to walk into the kitchen. After a few moments I decide to go upstairs when I hear fighting not really caring as my mom and grandma were fighting, along with my grandpa sleeping in his chair. Rory will be fine by herself. I think.

Later on it the night I am called down to say goodbye. 

"Well, have a good first day I will have Harlow show you around and introduce you to her friends. Oh she has the most wonderful boyfriends he's a football player and she's a cheerleader just like in t.v shows and books." My grandma says with an excited look on her face. 

"Well, I think Rory will mange but that you." My mother replies with a look of helpless. 

"Thanks for having us Grandma and grandpa." Rory says clearly wanting to leave. I don't blame her. The Gilmore house hold is chaotic.

"Well we need to get home now. Bye." My mom says opening the door, 

After that is taken care of I get ready for bed and then doing some of my homework. I am looking even less to school on Monday than normal just because now Rory is in my school.

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