Chapter 6

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Song for this chapter: Baby one more time by Britney Spears

I decided against  telling my grandmother about what had happened in the head masters office. I just hoped no body else would. cough cough headmaster cough cough. God, it's so annoying that he knows my grandparents, always snitching on me. I should slice his finger just to see if he gets stiches to make sure he remembers snitches get stiches. 

After my... breakdown yeah, let's call it that. Me and Tristan decided to skip the rest of the period and went to the mall. I didn't really get much though, not having much money on me. Tristan drove me home and I'm now calling Alex telling him about my wonderful day. It wasn't that bad but that's just because of Tristan.

"-she's such a bitch. Calling you a brat like she isn't acting like a child-" Alex says still ranting about my mother. 

"Alex!" I yell cutting him of from his rant. "She's a bitch but what am I going to do about it? I can't change half of my genes and the other half isn't much better. Why he isn't put into his place and just my mother is? It's because people are sexist towards teen mothers." I say. 

"Damn. You got some issues. Never were a mommy's or daddy's girl huh?" He says jokingly.

"Yeah haha." I say with a fake laugh to cover up the pain. "Hey, uhh I gotta go. Bye." I say and hang up before he can say anything else. 

I go into my dresser and grab my cigarettes and climb out of the window leaning against the balcony lighting up a cigarette and taking a long drag.

 "HEY! KID YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THAT!" I hear a voice yell to me from a distance. I look down moving my head to find who the hell said that to me and I saw this one guy with dark eyes. 

"AND YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN OTHER PEOPLES BUSINNES!" I yell back at the dark haired boy. 

"WANNA COME TO A PARTY?!" He asks. Well that is kinda weird. I mean who the hell invites someone to a party that they only met a few moments ago. And who would expect them to go. You know what. Fuck it. 

"SURE" I yell back. 

"MEET ME DOWN HEAR IN 30 MINUTES." He yells and I give him a thumbs up going into my closet to find a outfit. After that I quickly brush my long ass hair. God I wish I would cut it but, I know I would regret it. 

After brushing my hair I fix my bare face. I quickly put on some of my basic makeup before doing this pink wing eyeshadow and highlighter in the corners of my eyes. I grab some white chunky heels and slip them on my feet and putting my pager, lip gloss, and some hair ties in my purse and look into my mirror. With a satisfied smile I walk out of my door seeing the lights out meaning they left and I quickly leave through the workers entrance.

I walk out of the driveway seeing the dark haired boy leaning against his car.

"Well well if it isn't miss goodie too shoes." I say stopping in front of him. 

"If it isn't mister bad boy." He says looking me up and down. 

"Well now if that isn't the name I was thinking you would give me. Most people call me something else." I say with a smirk. 

"And what is that?" 

"You may or may not find out..." I say not knowing his name. 



"Now, most people wouldn't go to a party with a random person that they met moments before. Why did you decided to come with me?" He asks. 

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