Chapter 2

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SONG FOR CHAPTER: Jealous by Eyedress

"Harlow, are you decent?" I hear my grandma ask me though my door.

"Yeah, come in." I say before she opens my door walking into my room. 

I continue to finish my high ponytail. We have a football game today. Why did I chose cheer? This ponytail is so tight imma be getting a headache with this. I hate washing my hair after football games it's always so tangled from being thrown up in the air. 

"Harlow, can you do me a favor?" Grandma asks me with a slight smile. Though, I already have a guess of what it may be. 

"Depends, what's the favor?" I respond to her tying up my ponytail.

"Could you introduce Rory to your friends? Just to make her day easier." BINGO! I'm definitely the smartest person alive.

"If I can find her I might. But we can't talk during class and she may make her own friends." I say and grab my backpack slinging it over my shoulder and walking out of my room. 

I hear my grandmother sigh as I walk out. I feel slightly guilty with the way I said that to her. But, she's not going to steal my friends too. Despite me knowing it wasn't he fault she still makes my blood boil. I walk down the stairs and into the dining room seeing more then enough food for only three people. I grab some fruit salad and a waffle. After, I finish most of my breakfast I hear a car pull up to the dive way. 

I grab by bag and make sure to have some extra makeup for after the game. I walk out of the door after saying goodbye to grandma. 

"Hey, girlfriend!" Madeline says unlocking her car. 

"Hey" I say getting into the backseat seeing Louise in the passenger seat. 

"Today is the day your sister is coming, right?" Asks Louise.

"Unfortunately" I reply closing the door and putting my seatbelt on. 

"You'll be fine it's just one person and everyone likes you." Madeline says trying to reassure me as Louise is turning on the music. Five minutes pass faster than I want it to. 

We all walk out of the car and into the school making our way to the spot.  As we walk people wave to us some people asking us if there is any drama happening. We finally make it to our destination, our sport, our tree. Paris and Alex already being their. 

"Hey guys!" Alex says weirdly cheerful.

"Why are you so cheerful?" I ask him gloomy.

"Why are you so gloomy?" He counters back.  

"My sister is coming to Chilton today." I say with a groan and sit on the grass leaning my head against the trunk of the tree. 

"Fair enough" He replies to me and Paris opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by Caleb walking up to me. 

"Hey babe" Caleb says giving me a quick peck. It felt different like I didn't want it like how I did before. I know how wrong it is, but seeing the disappointment on my grandparents faces if I tell them we broke them. That is part of the reason we got together. Everyone wanted us to be together. 

"Hey!" I say with a smile on my face.

"CALEB COMON MAN!" I hear one of his teammates yell to him. 

"COMING!" He yells back to his friend. "I gotta go, I'll see you at the game, ok?"

"Yeah, ok" I say and give him a kiss before he jogs back to his teammates. 

"No, your wrong. Mr. Remmy is the worst teacher." Alex says arguing with Paris. 

"You're just mad he gives a lot of work and you would rather sit on your ass and watch t.v then work hard." Paris counters. 

"Let's just agree on one thing Mr. Medina is the best teacher at this miserable place." I say just before the bell rings for first hour. 


 "I hate your sister already." Paris says clearly pissed off about Rory.

"What did she do?" I question her. What could have little miss goody two shoes do to Paris already. Though, Paris gets mad over anything so she could be dramatic right now.

"She ruined my project and now i'm going to receive an incomplete and an earful from my mother." She says rolling her eyes and the bell rings. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I say groaning as my sister walk in and smiles at me. I return the smile not having a real reason to be rude to her.

" Okay, we will be starting right we started last class, we will be continue presenting our projects and we will start with....miss. Geller." The teacher says looking up from the paper to turn to Paris. 

"I don't have it." She replies. 

"Did you not have sufficient amount of time to complete it?" The teacher asks the blonde. 


"Very well, you will receive a incomplete." The teacher says about to write something down.

"It's my fault! I bumped into her in the hallway trying to get my locker open!" Rory suddenly stand up and yells making everyone turn to her. 

"Who are you?" the teacher asks My twin. 

"Rory, Rory Gilmore." She replies. 

"I don't have a Rory Gilmore. I have a Lorelai and Harlow Gilmore but, I know you are not Harlow."

"Yes that's me."

"Your Rory and Lorelai?"

"Yes." She says quickly. 

"Which do you go by."

"It doesn't matter." She says talking fast. 

"I'm going to need you to pick one." The teacher says. 

"ummm Rory," 

"And when did you ruin Paris's project?" The teacher questions her slightly squinting her eyes,

"Right before class."

" How convenient." the teacher says with a sigh clearly not believing her thinking the girls made it up. "If you helped ruin Paris's project you will help her fix it."

"I will!" Rory says 

"Just stay out of it!" Paris suddenly yells. "I don't want your help." 

"Well, I don't mind doing it."

"GIRLS! Rory you will help Paris with this project or she will receive an incomplete. 

"Yes." Both of the girls quietly say. 

"While you are still standing. Class, this is our new student Rory." The teacher introduces. 

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