Chapter 4

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift

"Why hello Harlow." Tristan says walking up to me. It's now Friday, four days from that horrid night. Everyone knows that Caleb and I broke up well everyone but my grandparents. Since, the breakup me and Tristan have begun to become friends. 

"Why hello Tristan."  I say with a smile and my face walking through the halls of Chilton with Tristan. 

After me and Caleb broke up I feel like a new person. Like I chipped off a piece of the glass and swept it off the floor but continued to use it. I don't feel like a new person however, I feel better. 

"You ready for the Shakespeare test tomorrow? Tristan asks me taking my Italian text book out of my hands, holding them for me.

"Yeah, I think so. Though, I'm meeting with Paris for a study session tonight and that will tell me what I' going to do." 

"Paris is very Intense. Smart. But Intense." He says with a chuckle at the end. 

"Yeah, but she's a good friend and is less intense when you get to know her and begin to be friends with her." I say looking up at him. Why do I have to be so short? And why does he have to be 6'1?

"Why are you so tall?" I blurt out suddenly. After realizing what I said I turn a bright red. 

 "I'm not sure, ummm well my dad is tall I guess." He says laughing a bit at the odd question I had asked moments before. 

"Sorry, that just kind of came out." I said with an embarrassed laugh still blushing a deep red.

"So, you were thinking about me?" He asked with a smirk walking into Mr. Medina's class. 

'What?! No!" I yell out causing some people to look at us and me to blush even redder if that was even possible. 

"Mhmm sure Harlow." He says with a smirk. "So, do you have any sort of nickname? Your sister does but, do you?"

"Other than mommy, no." I say with a smile. 

"I want to call you something, so you know who is talking to you. Too many people call you Harlow and I don't like to be one of the many. What's your middle name?" He says completely ignoring my joke. That was such a good joke too but no he can only make the jokes.

"Grace." I say sitting in a seat next to Tristan and setting down my backpack on the floor and taking off my materials.

"Harlow Grace Gilmore..." He says. And boy does it roll off his tongue. "I'm going to call you Grace. That suits you well as you just Grace us with your presence."

"Yes, I grace you with my presence here. If I was gone everything would just be less....umm graceful." I say with a smile, happy I found the word. 

The bell rings and it's only then do I notice the other students sitting in the desks and Mr. Medina writing 'Shakespeare' on the chalk board. Talking with Tristan often makes me lose focus on nothing but him. 

"Most of you did decent on your essays. Some good. And few exceptional. Ms. Grant, Ms. Geller, and Ms. Gilmore." He says looking at me, Paris, and Louise dropping, our papers at our desk with a big red A on the top. I look over at Louise and see my sister looking disappointed that she didn't get recognition from Mr. Medina. 

"Ms. Gilmore look at the corrections." He says to Rory and she looks even more disappointed then before after looking at her paper. 

"What did she get? I mouth to Louise and she looks over at her paper.

"A D." She says with a bit of a laugh at the end. 

At the end of the lecture I quickly pack my things and say goodbye to Tristan and walk over to Paris, Madeline, and Louise. 

"What did you guys get?" Louise asks us. This makes both me and Paris flash both of our papers with a big red 'A'

"You know I got a B." Madeline says. 

"A B is a good grade and you have time to study before the test tomorrow." I tell her with reassurance lacing my voice. 

"A B is good." Louise says.

"I'd be happy." Pairs tells us looking at Rory saying this.

"A, D however." Louise says

"That would be a cry for help." Paris says. "A job application to Mcdonalds."

"Would you like fries with that?" 

"Want to make it a combo?" I say looking at Rory. 

"As my mother always says someone has to answer the phones." Paris says looking over at Rory making sure she can hear us. 

"Okay, I have no idea what you are talking about." Madeline says. 

"No, but Rory does." Paris says laughing a the bells rings and all of us walking out of the door to our next class.

The halls fill with students trying to get to our next class. I jump in fright when I feel someone pull the handle on my backpack making me go back and I fall in someone's arms and just as I'm about to scream said person puts their hand over my mouth. Omg am I getting kidnapped? 

"Relax it's just me." I hear a male voice say. 

"JAMES!" I yell and turn around to hug him close and he immediately hugs me back. 

James and I have been bestfriends for, ten years and we've known each other for even longer. We are like Dawson and Joey. Except we don't like each over. Now, when I say that people think we are lying but I'm really not however, I can never tell anyone about it. The secret is James is gay. His parents are very traditional people or in other words Homophobic.

In fact, He even has a boyfriend and he's great but is in boarding school. 

A part of me wants to have a love like James. The pressure of being perfect is off because no one can see you together. Only when in the same place. 

Many people believe that the 1% are perfect. However, we are more like haunted dolls. We look perfect on the outside but on the inside, we are rotten. 

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