Chapter 5

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SONG FOR THIS CHAPTER: Twin size Mattress by The Front Bottoms 

The door burst open followed by quick footsteps and we all turn around to see who cause the rukus. Little miss perfect Rory. 

"I'm sorry." Rory says walking to her desk an Mr. Medina sighs. 

"Everyone back to their test." Mr. Medina says. "Ms. Gilmore you're going to have to wait in the library." 

"But what about the test?" Rory asks still walking to her desk with Mr. Medina following her. Me, Paris and Louise look at each other and just smile. 

"I'm sorry, but you have missed the test." He replies.


"We start class promptly at 8:05-"

"No!" she says cutting  him off mid sentence. Well well looks like mommy never taught her any manners. 

"That's when I need everyone to be in their seats." He finishes. 

"No, please!"

"It's the rules." 

"No, you don't understand I was up all night studying and then I missed my bus. So, I had to drive." Rory starts. 

"Lets discuss this outside." Mr. Medina says trying to get her to calm down. 

"So, I'm driving down this road and I stop and I get hit by this deer!" continues. Oh boy if Emily Gilmore were here Rory would be without a head for now on.

"You hit a deer?!" 

"No, I got hit BY a deer." She says and Mr. Medina scoffs and smiles laughing a bit.

"How do you get hit by a deer?" I ask confused. How the fuck do you get hit by a deer. 

"What, you don't believe me? I've got antler marks on the side of my mothers car." She says completely ignoring my question. Well that was a bit rude. 

"Rory, Come on." Mr. Medina say not believing her and no one does either. I mean come on think of a more believable story. 

"NO! You have to let me take this test! I am ready for this test! I Know everything there is to know about Shakespeare." She says. Well maybe you should know less so you remember to get up on time. 

"Okay, Okay, Okay you need to calm down now." Mr. Medina says desperately.

 "I know his birthdate, and his mothers name, and the kind of ink he used." 

Paris turns to me and whispers "Loser" to me with a little smile pleased that Rory is not doing so well right now.

"And what exactly is with you? huh?" Rory asks Paris turning around to face her. "You already have everything. You already have the grades and the statis. What the hell is wrong with you that you have this constant need to be the biggest jerk in the entire World!" Rory yells at Pairs. Well Rory will not make it through if this is how she is going to act all the time. Guess for once in my life I was wrong.

"Okay, lets go." Mr. Medina says pulling on her backpack a bit.

"HUH. WHAT'S UP?!" Rory asks not budging and ignoring the teacher. "What's up quipy? Why so silent?" 

"Outside!" Mr. Medina yells at her hoping that will make her go outside with him. Wait. DIRTY!!!!

"And YOU!" She yells turning to me. Oh god what did I do this time? "Why can you not help me? You know what I got on my paper and you didn't even try to help me. Grandma told you to help me if I needed it, and yet you didn't help even though I know you knew you were supposed to." What the fuck? She never asked me to do that. Wait no let me guess another expectation for me to live up to.

I really wanted to tell her that I'm not going to do this because grandma tells me to. However, I kept quiet look at my test and circling an answer. 

"MISS GILMORE, OUTSIDE NOW." Mr. Medina yells pointing to the door and she finally starts to walk towards to door. Or well so we all thought before she turns to Tristan and yells in his face

"And for the last time my name is RORY!" She roars. See what I did there Rory roars. Then she stormed out of the class followed by Mr. Medina. Once she left everyone just started laughing. 

"Who knew Mary had it in her?" A buy says out loud causing us to laugh harder. 

After we are done with our laughter we continue our test and I wont lie and say that we didn't share some answers and look in our bags for some of out notes. However, I didn't need it and I didn't look in my bags either a little scared he would walk into the room and see the notes on our desk. However, I am such a rule breaker with me chewing gum. Some of these habits could lead into harder things like talking during test and cheating.

The bells rings making everyone go to their next class and me telling a few of my friends what happened during class today. Let's just say I have no doubt in my mind that the entire grade will know soon. I know, I know it's kind of a petty thing to do however, I am a petty person and it would have been spread no matter what. 


As I'm doing my math worksheet the phone rings. 

"Miss. Gilmore the headmaster would like to see you." She says making me look at Julie confused. 

"What did you do?" She whispers to me. 

"I don't know." I whisper back putting my pencil down and getting out of my seat and walking to the door. As, I walk to his office my friend, Kenzie stops me and ask if I had heard what had happened in Mr. Medina's classing making me laugh and say yes. 

I make it and I feel my heart rate accelerate and me to take a deep breathe before knocking on his door. 

"Come in." I hear the old man say and I open the door seeing Mr. Medina, Rory, and my mother. "Ahhh the last Gilmore needed. So, I'm just going to get straight to it I'm going to need you to tutor Rory." HE says nodding his head to Rory who doesn't look to happy about this arrangement and for once I agree with her. That just made the list of top unlikely things to happen but it did.

"What? Why!" I yell with unhappiness shown in my voice.

" Because I am your mother and I have never asked anything of you until now to make sure Rory doesn't fail." Lorelai say standing up looking at me. 

"Yes, you have never asked anything of me because you don't know me! You left me with them! I'm not going to take time off to tutor your child who doesn't look happy about this arrangement!" I yell getting mad. 

"That is not true! I did not leave you behind." She says. 

"THEN TELL ME MOTHER? WHERE DO I LIVE? WHERE DO I SLEEP?" I yell screaming at her for being so stupid thinking I would just do this. 

"FINE! I DID LEAVE YOU AND I'M GLAD I DID BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A BRAT WHO IS JELOUS OF MY DAUGHTERS REALTIONSHIP WITH ME!" She screams into my face causing me to smack her hard across the face. 

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" I yell with the tears running down my face and walk out of the office despite the headmasters protests. 

While walking in the halls, going to the bathroom to clean my face off, I hear footsteps but I don't look up hoping they will just walk by and pay no mind to the snuffles that come from me.

"Hey, hey what happened what's wrong?" I hear Tristan ask me grabbing my arm and pulling me into an empty classroom. 

"I don't want to talk about." I say sniffling a bit. Why is it always Tristan who catches me crying? 

"Do you want a hug?" He asks and I just nod before he pulls me into a big hug making me cry more. 

"You'll be okay, I promise." He says still hugging me. 

"What if I wont be?" I ask in between sobs and sniffles.

Left behind (a gilmore girls fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora