From Hereon

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"The lake. The eclipse. Sorrow. Death. Faith." A tear dripped from Veera's eye. "And this love." her voice trembled. "For whatever reason...we'll have to find out why."

"And resolve it." Alwyndor added.

"An eternal curse...or maybe we're just paying the price." Veera looked down out of despair. "The cost of a very sinful love." Veera said with a strained voice.

Veera closed her eyes, hugged herself, and said "This is goodbye now...Alwyndor."

"I have questions." Alwyndor stopped Veera. "Why did you even have to tell me this? What's the point!?" Alwyndor asked.

"Once, in your several lives, your 3rd reincarnation. I didn't tell you anything, I tried to run far away from you." tears start to escape from Veera's eyes. "That was the worst death, I've seen from killed yourself." Veera tried to wipe her tears but they kept flowing. "I promised myself to be by your side when these memories return ever since."

"You always knew?" Alwyndor questioned.

"From your birth to your death, there's always a sign. As said in the prophecy and the curse. Be it a lunar eclipse, a blue moon...I no longer care what sign it is... because it always ends the same." Veera snuffled as she answer.

"Based on what I remember, I lived, you died. Why am I the one reincarnating and why are you immortal?" Alwyndor was confused.

"My first rebirth is who I am. Vienna reincarnated as Veera. I thought there was a way to end the curse... it can only transfer." Veera said with a sad look.

"I don't understand-"

"You were the sun, I was the moon. But that all changed when the moon embraced the sun." Veera pointed at his chest. "That birthmark in your chest...I did that. I killed you and the roles were reversed. That dream you had last night. That was it!" Veera is starting to get angry. 

"Can we still be together?" Alwyndor asked and insisted.

"What do you not understand! We're worse than oil and water! We are fire and water, we won't just repel each other, we'll end up killing each other!" Veera lashed out. "Do you understand?" Her voice softened and a tear dropped from her eye. "You'll regain most of your memories sooner or later."

"From hereon!" She wiped her tears aggressively. "Never see me again! Be it life or death in our hands!" Veera ran away, never turning her back, leaving Alwyndor by the lake.

Alwyndor was stunned as his tears fall to the ground.

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