The Life Before

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"Vienna!" Arduin called. "They are coming!" Arduin yelled while catching his breath.

"We have to stay here for the night." Vienna said as she sat down by the lake.

"Will this war ever end?" Arduin sat by Veera's side. 

It didn't take long for the couple to doze off. The two suddenly woke up not by the morning sunshine but by the sound of marching coming towards them.

"They're already here." Arduin hugged Vienna in a warm embrace. 

"Nihilists!" A tall man shouted as he entered the open lake. He is the leader of the Selenians.

A group of large men came forth all of a sudden. All of them carry various weapons, from swords to bows and arrows. To the couple's eyes, it is obvious that they are high soldiers, both Helionox and Selenians. For once the opposites joined forces but, unfortunately, for a bad reason, to separate Arduin and Vienna. 

"Don't come near us!" Arduin grunted as he grasped Vienna's hand tightly.

"As written by the laws of the Selenians and Helionox, thou shall not love a false worshipper."

"Both of us are no longer worshippers!" Vienna shouted in response.

"It's in the prophecy, heretic! This is your only chance to separate or you know what'll happen next." the leader said with pure anger.

Arduin hugged Vienna for the last time. Both of them are crying and sobbing in each other's embrace. 

Suddenly, Arduin whispered "Run." and pushed Vienna away.

"Purge them!" the leader roared.

Arduin took his sword and charged toward the group. He is a skilled fighter after all, and possibly, one of the best. He was able to dodge the attacks and got a few men down already. Arduin took a glance behind him, Vienna is still there, hesitant. 

"Just run!" Arduin yelled at Vienna.

Vierra ran in an instant while Arduin continued to fight and block off his enemies. He saw an archer pointing at him, he is about to attack the archer but the archer's arrow suddenly changed direction. The archer released the tension and the arrow flew. Immediately, Arduin heard the water of the lake splashed behind him. He knew what it meant but he refused to believe it. He looked behind him and saw Vienna's body resting in the lake as the waters turn crimson red. Arduin was so distracted and all of a sudden, he felt a blade pierce through his stomach. The pain was so sharp but not from the stab but the pain in his heart as he saw his lover's life get taken away. Arduin's body dropped and saw the surroundings darken. He isn't losing consciousness, he is seeing the moon embracing the sun. A solar eclipse is currently occurring. He just saw pure darkness suddenly.

Arduin woke up with the scent of rotting flesh surrounding him. He assessed himself, no wounds, no pain but his heart is no longer beating. His time stopped somehow... he is immortal. He immediately recollected his memories and ran to the lake. He saw the floating corpse of Vienna slowly crystallizing into moonstone unlike most Selenians after death. It must've been the lake. He picked off the moonstones while hugging her disintegrated body.

 "I'm sorry." Arduin cried.

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