An Immortal Cycle

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"It's been so long." Alwyndor was laying on the bed.  "Now that I've found you, hear what I have to say." A tear poured from Alwyndor's eye.

"Why did you even call and find me?" Veera sat by Alwyndor's bed as tears welled over her eyes.

"Why did you come?" Alwyndor replied causing Veera to be too stunned to speak. "There are never happy endings, you said." Alwyndor changed the topic for he is sure  Veera knows why he called. For their love will never die. For the spark in their hearts will remain eternal. "There are happy endings you know. There will be! There has to be!" Alwyndor let out a large breath as tears run from his eyes. "It may not come this time, maybe not in this world and even maybe not for us. But it exists!" He grabbed Veera's hand, still smooth and soft like before unlike his wrinkled skin. "I may not live long enough... I don't have enough time to give us a happy ending."

"And I have too much." Veera sobbed and held his hands tighter.

"I finally understand why you left instead of savoring every little time with me. To make it less painful for me. And so I wouldn't what you did the first time. To kill, so the curse would be passed." he smiled even if his tears continues to pour. "I'm sorry that I don't get to live long enough to break this curse. Or to stay with you." Alwyndor let out a large breath once more but this time he never breathed again. His eyes closed slowly. His hands no longer grasped Veera's hand. 

Veera was out of breath as she cries and see Alwyndor's body disintegrate in a flash. A Helionox's turn into ashes. Veera took out a jar, the same moonstone jar from 60 years ago. As tears fall, Veera scooped Alwyndor's ashes with her hands into the jar. Veera blubbered, she can't do anything else but find an ending to this nightmare of a love story.

A lot of time has passed now. Veera is back at her ancient house. Everything is almost the same as before, the room is the same, and the table is the same with the moonstone jar resting in the corner. Veera suddenly heard the bell ring from her door chimes. She suddenly remembers the lunar eclipse that she sighted last night.

"It's time." Veera whispered to herself.

She went to her fortune teller room and faced backward. She heard the footsteps, they are already inside the room. A tear fell out from her right eye causing her right cheek to glisten. Veera let out a heavy breath and turned around. Everything was almost the same as before, two men and her eyes locked with the most familiar one.

"I anticipated your return." Veera said with a smirk on her face.

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