Act VI - Faunus, Secrets, and Sword Training

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(She do be Spinning Tho)

(Y/n/3rd Pov)

"This is prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, More properly known as the Faunus War"

Our Caffeine Addicted Teacher Professor...err Doctor Oobleck said as he zooms around the room and back to the front with his desk covered with maps behind him and a Giant one plastered on the Wall of the Entire Nation of Remnant

"Humans was quite, quite adament about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie"

He points to said area with a stick, then zoom off to the other side of the room sipping his coffee before appearing back at the front of his desk

"Now! While this must feel like Ancient History to you, but it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events, Why! these repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day"

He then zooms around the room drinking his coffee midway before continuing to zoom while talking

"Now, have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus Heritage?"

Y/n looked to his Side and saw His Friends Velvet and Coco who was convincing Velvet to raise her hand, She shyly looked at Y/n's Direction to which he sighed and Nodded

Velvet Then Raised her hand making Coco smile and secretly thanked Y/n in her head.

Doctor Oobleck who was now in front looked at the Class and Sighed

"Dreadful, Truly Dreadful. Remember Students it is precisely this ignorance that breeds Violence"

He took another Sip before Continuing

"I mean, I mean, I mean just look at  what happened the White Fang, Now which one of you Young Scallions can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the turning point in third year of the war?"

Weiss raised her hand as Doctor Oobleck looks at her

"Yes, Miss Schnee?"

"The Battle at Fort Castle"

"Correct, Now who can tell me the Advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's Forces?"

Hearing Small Snickering i glanced at the side just in time for Cardin to hit The Sleeping Jaune with a Football Sized piece of Paper causing Jaune to Wake up


Oobleck then zooms infront of Jaune

"Ah, Mr Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is Excellent! Whats the Answer"

"Uhh...Well...Ummm..the answer...advantage.. of the Faunus..."

Jaune looked over Oobleck to Pyrrha pointing at her eyes

"...Over the guy's stuff..."

Pyrrha cupped her hands around her eyes


The majority of the class(Cardin Included slapping his desk) While Weiss, Pyrrha and I facepalmed.

The Librarian covered in Roses (Rwby x Patchouli Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora