Act XX - Is Maturity Different from Growing Up?

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"....hmm tacky"

Y/n mutters as he gazes above him at the airship adorned with ribbons

He sighs and stares at the Flying Airship before he grabs his scroll from his pocket after feeling a it vibrate, He glances at the new message on the screen and furrows his eyebrows

"its one mess after the other"

He clicks his tongue and turns his gaze away while walking inside Beacon clenching his scroll

(Headmasters Office)
The elevator dings while opening its door and stepping outside is a grumpy librarian who stares at the smug expression of his headmaster

"Is this important? Or are you that bored?"

"A bit of both actually"

Ozpin chuckles and drinks from his mug

"Three of my acquaintances are arriving here to discuss some things with me"

"And this concerns me because?"

"Its due to your hunch about those students from Haven also about something more confidential"

I glanced at the voice close to the curtains and raise my brow at the end

'Something Interesting perhaps?'

"Is that so Sir Ironwood...Have you discovered something perhaps?"

He turns to me and nods

"A virus.... Something that could give them access to all of Atlas Made Automatons"

"For anyone to get that would be..."


Y/n looks away hiding his smug expression and subtle small smile, He turns back towards Ironwood and tilts his head

"Can it be removed?"

"We're working on it, It has quite an attachment to our servers"

Y/n sighs and sits on the edge of Ozpins desk much to the anger of the silent Prof Goodwitch beside the Smirking Headmaster

"Could you possibly decommission your Robots until it's removed" Y/n asks Ironwood who shakes his head

"But doing so will put the protection of Atlas in danger without them"

"So... are you saying we should risk them being used against us if you Don't remove it sooner then later?"

"I'm saying we should think of another solution then jeopardizing Atlases Security"

"Can you think of one right now General?

"No" Y/n smirks and Leans his head towards him

"That's what i thought"

Y/n glares at Ironwood who glares back

"That's enough you two!"

They turn towards Ozpin who slammed his palm on his desk

"What we don't need is you two arguing with each other but rather to think of a good solution to stopping this virus... James Knowledge is right we can't risk Remnant being in jeopardy because you don't want your first defense to disappear, You have the most elite huntsmen working in Atlas not to mention state of the art technology....Simply Taking 30% of your defense isn't a huge deal in the grand scheme of things"

Ozpin gives his mug to Glynda who walks into the elevator meanwhile Y/n covers his mouth to prevent him from seeing his smirk

"I..... understand I'll issue the order to temporarily disable all Automatons around Remnant"

The Librarian covered in Roses (Rwby x Patchouli Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now