Act XI- The Feeling of Dread

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(Y/n/3rd Pov)

I opened my eyes and gazed upon the ceiling, I let out a Small yawn and rose from my bed the Suns rays creeping from my window

"So tired" Y/n stretched his arms above his head, and looked at the sleeping figure of his Leader beside him

He sighed and poked Ruby's Cheek, She squirmed a little before being motionless again, He lowered his Eyebrow in annoyance and proceeded to repeatedly poke her cheek until she woke up

"Wake up already" Y/n said in minor annoyance

After poking her for about a couple seconds Ruby Rose opened her eyes irritated

"So Earlyyyy, Too Tireddd" Ruby complained as she hugs a pillow and rolls to the side away from me

"Stop Whining, And get up already!" Y/n says

Ruby stayed in silence before she rolled back looked at Y/n, She stared at him for a while before smiling

"Oh, Hey Y/n Good Morning" Ruby greeted Him to which he lowered his gaze


Ruby sat up and looked around

"Why am I in your room?" Ruby looked at Y/n in confusion

"You don't remember?" Y/n asked her to which she shakes her head

"You came to me because you couldn't sleep in your room" Y/n reminded her as she let out a larger selection of Ohh

"Well Thanks for letting me sleep here, but i should probably get back before Yang wakes up" Ruby hurriedly grabs her scroll and left my room

After she left i let out a deep sigh

"Welp, Time to start the day"

[Time Skip]
Beacon Courtyard

I let out a yawn as i turned to the next page of my book about the classification of grimm, After what happened this morning i was interrogated by Yang about her sister's whereabouts last night, I feigned ignorance of the matter and it gifted me with a smack to my head.

"It still hurts" Y/n groans rubbing the spot in his head

He quietly walked down the pathway, Occasionally glancing forward before his vision was covered by a shadow haulting his stroll

"What the...?" He turned to the sky and widened his eyes at what he saw

"An...An Airship?!!, Here of all places, Wait no there's bullheads as well" Y/n stared dumbfounded

"What is this, a Festival or some kind of Invasion" As he stares at the Ship's flying pass him in the sky, he felt a vibration in his pocket, He grabbed his Scroll and stared at it

"Meet me in my Office Now - Ozpin" Y/n read the text aloud and sighed

"This better be good Ozpin" Y/n pocketed his Scroll and turned to the Entrance inside Beacon

[Time Skip]
Headmaster's Office - Elevator

I ignored the annoying humming of the elevator as i played with the strands of my hair, As it stops in the floor i heard snippets of words inside his office

"Im just be Cautious..." An unfamiliar voice was heard from behind the walls followed by a Familiar Voice

"As i am....which.....why we will..continue...train the best huntsmen and huntresses we can"

"Do you...think....this...children can this war...the Maidens weren't able to defeat them....what makes you think...this children can...stand...a...chance" The Voice followed

The Librarian covered in Roses (Rwby x Patchouli Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz