Chapter 1

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Utopia Kingdom is known for it beauty and the latest fashion it was the second known for it's beauty and fashion but it became first because the kingdom that held that position was stroked  with tragedy as it attacked by the Night creeper the got this name as they were dark as as night and known knew where they came from tall figure creatures that was also slender legend has it they were looking for their king's lost wife and children but they ended burning down the kingdom and leaving it in ashes. The citizens had to flee the kingdom if they wanted to live a lot of lives were lost thus every two to three years all the kingdoms will gather to mourn for the kingdom and show their sorrows and longing for it....

Upon that tragic year a family fled successfully. They started a new life in the Kingdom, they kept their lives as low as possible to keep their children safe and as far from danger...

In the Kingdoms castle the king and queen helped the citizens of Wonderland Kingdom(the kingdom that was attacked)  to adapt to their kingdom and assured them that nothing will harm them and provided them with two hundred and fifty gold coins so that they can establish their lives comfortable....


The family that moved in the kingdom owned their own bakery shop and they were known as the most famous bakery in the whole kingdom people traveled far and wide just so that they could tasted their delicious pastries and some came just that they could admire the bakery owners' children as they would help their parents around they bakery . Some tried asking the out but they would politely decline as they weren't interest in a relationship as they were waiting for the right one but what they didn't know their right ones was far away and some were close to them but didn't notice their presence 

Just as the family was running their bakery the youngest royal was wonder the woods looking for his prey as he held a bow and arrow in his hands the main reason way to clear his head from the pressure he got from being the perfect son. As wondering the wood he found himself around the waterfall. He heard a shuffling noise in the bush that was near the waterfall he positioned his bow and arrow and aiming at the bush "Come out whoever you are I can know you are there"  the young prince said waiting for the person or creature to comeout from their hiding. The got impatient waiting for the creature or the person to come out so he walked closer to the bush and the a cute boy popped out the bush smiling at the prince " Sorry I didn't mean to spy on you it just that I was sitting here and saw you standing there and thought that I could try befriend you at first I tried getting your attention but you looked like you were caught up in your world so this was my only option so please don't like I have not yet confessed to the person I like" the boy kept his nervous smile and watched the younger prince facial expressions "So you didn't mean to spy on mean?" the prince asked lowering his bow and arrow as he looked at the boy "Yes I promise I don't want to seem rude so I'll introduce I'm Kim Daniel" Daniel looked at the prince and signaled him to introduce himself as we " Yang Jungwon" Jungwon looked at the boy who seemed to be shocked as he introduced himself and immediately bowed before him and apologized for not respecting the young lad "OH no it's okay and prefer you to not call me prince it makes me fill old when I'm still young and don't apologize and accept the offer to be your friend "  Jungwon told the boy as he offer his hand for Daniel to shake but hesitantly looked at the prince before shaking his hand. The day ended as the two boys got to know each other and laughed at the funny events that has happened in their life when they got home they were both tired and the prince was happy that he got out of the castle and made a friend 

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