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1 year ago...

Nervously i looked down at my parents "Mom, Dad can we please talk about something? "

My dad turned to me warmly responding "Sure Cal, let's go to the kitchen and mom can put the kettle on" he said as he put his arm around me.

I was fucking dreading this conversation.

Today was a fucking disaster. I was outed at school today by some asshole who was playing a sick prank on me. Normally I wouldn't have to worry about this but dad sometimes helps out at the library at school and if he overheard something like this there's no way of telling how he would react. I was just so fucking frustrated! This is definetely not the way I wanted to come out. If only i had more time to explore my options but now my choice was taken away from me.

As i nervously stood before my parents fidgeting with my hair my dad flashed me a warm supportive smile. My parents were seated before me their gaze focused on me awaiting my news.

Concern flashed before my mom's eyes as she asked " What's wrong honey, you look nervous. Did something happen at school today?"

Inhaling deeply i expressed "Well..." as i lowered myself to the chair across from them sitting down on my hands to stop myself from fidgeting.

" Do you guys know what it means to be gay?"

Mom gave dad a knowing look but he seemed confused

" Sure honey, why?" Mom gave me a sweet smile to put me at ease .

" So today at school a picture, well a screenshot of a private conversation of mine was sent to a bunch of kids" i said nervously looking down , I knew that at any moment i might burst out into tears.

" Picture of what baby" Mom asked, Dad was still in complete silence.

"Well i was chatting with a person, romantically" I looked up desperately to see their reaction, mom gave me a empathic look but I didn't see any emotion in dad's face. " I was chatting with a guy, and i thought he liked me but it turned out it was all a prank just to out me. Dad, Mom I'm gay."

Tears poured down my cheeks as i pleaded "Please don't look at me any different or think less of me. I've tried to suppress this side of me i've tried everything to not be this way. Please don't stop loving me, i really don't want to dissapoint you."

Mom almost immediately got up and pulled me into a hug that lasted longer than any hug we've ever had. "Oh honey, i love you no matter what. You should know that and you could never dissapoint me" She said reassuringly

I looked over at my dad who still hadn't said anything and with barely a whisper escaping my mouth "Dad?"

My dad got up, i could barely describe the look on his face. He picked up his car keys and looked over at my mom holding me while i sob " Alice... I... I don't kno-" He cut himself off and quickly walked past us, he looked back over at us and said he's going to his office and would be back soon.

This wasn't enough for me, me and my dad were really close, so I ran after him in tears screaming hysterically " Dad! Don't go! Please Dad!" He slammed the front door in my face and walked off to his car and drove away. I fell against the door crying out loud. As i began to sob louder my mom lowered herself next to me on the floor. Her warm embrace engulfing me as i continued crying. In the distance we could hear a thunderstorm brewing, raindrops starting to fall.

Dad went to his office that evening but on his way back he got into a horrible car accident.

I never saw my dad again...


Thank you to everyone who's taking a chance to read The Life of Love, sorry about the sad start but it plays in perfectly for the overall story. I hope you enjoy all the Love, Drama and Heartbreak that you will experience residing this story.

Yours sincerely
Thomas & Chloe

Vita AmorisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang