Chapter 1

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Hey all, the above pic is just to give you an idea of the main character's hair color and hairstyle :)

1 year later...

I'm uncertain if it was my mom's incessant knocking or the sun's rays peaking through my blacked out curtains that woke me up, but I was feeling incredibly irritable . It was the first day of a new school year and i was NOT in the mood for it. I know i can't be the only one that hates school.

Eventually, my mom barged into my room with a steaming cup of coffee. Her bright blonde hair was neatly tied into a bun and she was dressed in a boring grey suit. I noticed this as I was peaking at her from under the blankets with one eye open and one eye closed

"Come on Cal" She moaned. "Get up, here's some coffee we're going to be late"

As i pretended to still be asleep she went to open my curtains and let the sun in with all it's glory. "Calum if i need to ask you one more time to get up i swear I'll go fetch a bucket of water" she said sternly.

By the tone of her voice she was clearly not joking and it wouldn't be the first time she's resorted to waking me up that way. I jolted up quickly resting my back against the bed's headboard. I didn't greet mom yet I just gave her a snarky smile and gulped down the coffee almost burning my mouth.

I sprung out of my bed and quickly got dressed. As I stood before the mirror for a solid 10 minutes doing my hair, you know how you want that "i just woke up look" but needing to spend so much time doing it? I tediously picked up my comb and hairdryer and went to work.

After making sure my bright blonde hair was equally layered i grabbed my nearly empty bookbag and ran downstairs. It definetly won't be empty after today when we get our new books

Mom was currently in the kitchen making something resembling sandwiches for the twins hastly packing it into their lunchboxes. My dad used to do all of this so i don't blame her for not being good at these things.

My 8 year old little brother came running down the stairs excitedly

" Cal, Cal, Cal, I can't wait to see all my friends. I bet you I'm taller than all of them" He said smiling and nodding enthusiastically

" Oh yeah little guy? Isn't Jessie a little taller then you though?" I said knowing he was going to be irritated.

Jason and Jessie are the twins, they mean the world to me but as their big brother its my duty to torture them.

" Honey please go fetch your sister upstairs we have to leave in 5 minutes" Mom yelled as she was packing Jessie's lunch.

My feelings of irritation boiled over again and i just rolled my eyes, went upstairs to fetch Jessie Like me she was not a morning person.

" Come on little monster or we're leaving without you" I yelled while going up the creaky staircase.

" I'm coming Cal i was just looking for my pencil" she yelled at me from the top of the staircase

When we got downstairs mom and Jason were already gone, presumably in the car waiting on us. I quickly filled up our cat Twinkles's food and water bowls and ran out with Jessie to the car.

Mom dropped the twins off at their school and as we were driving in silence to my high-school she decided to break the silence between us.

" Cal i really need your help more around the house. Please honey I can't do it all alone" Mom's voice was gentle but I also heard a hint of sadness in it.

" Why?" i again, irritably snapped at her.

" Cal you're 17 years old, it's just the four of us now, i hate having to rely on you but the twins and the household are a lot to juggle with work on my plate as well ".

" Mom how exactly would you know anything about how hard the twins are to handle or the household for that matter. You've been working late every night for the last few weeks caring more about your career than your children. Aunt Angela has been doing everything " Again I snapped at her, i know I probably shouldn't have but ever since dad died last year I've been so angry with her. My heart is filled with resentment towards her for her not allowing me to say goodbye to him

She didn't even answer me after that but as i gazed over to her now sunken face i could see the hurt in her now tearful blue eyes. As we drove in deafening silence this just illustrated the strained relationship between me and my mother. We have this space filled with all the things unsaid and unfelt. As we eventually arrived at the school my mom quickly turned to me and informed me that Aunt Angela would be picking me up from music class after school. She attempted to lean across and kiss me on the forehead like dad always did, but i anticipated her movements and quickly leaped out of the car. My head lowered to hide the tears pooling in our similar blue eyes as i headed to the entrance of my school.

This year is going to be so fucking annoying.


Hey everyone I know this is a slow start but i kinda just want to introduce the characters properly please stay tuned for the romance and drama that's going to follow.

Q: Why do you guys think Calum blames his mom for not being able to say goodbye to his dad?

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