Chapter 4

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Hey all, this is the outfit and hair Amoré is wearing in this chapter.

In a feeble attempt to work on my feelings of anxiousness i decided to go to school early to make proper use of the empty music room.

My mom and i had another fight last night, i honestly don't remember what it was about really but it got ugly. I left home early and took the bus to school. I was alone in the music room playing the piano while singing Christina Perri's song Human. It was dad's favorite song and I really needed to feel close to him right now and the song strongly emphasized a lot of how i was feeling and how I was struggling to cope. I sang the song with everything I had remembering dad, remembering all the special moments we had together . Especially him picking me up from music class every day after school.

"You're gonna be famous one day kiddo" My dad's proud words echoing far back in my mind. My eyes began to water as thoughts of my dad flashed through my mind. As my voice began to tremble I adruptly stopped singing as i heard a slow clap coming from behind and there he was, Victor Prince.

The expression on his face was priceless, as he approached me slowly he stated with much more emotion than i expected he had within him "Calum that was fucking amazing" That's when he noticed my now red eyes. His tone was soft and caring when he spoke again "Calum? Are you okay?

Quickly looking away trying to hide my embarrassment. Victor was now right infront of me, he tilted my chin up and looked me right in the eyes. Our faces and our lips inches apart, his voice was barely a whisper when he asked again, his eyes now meeting mine "Are you okay?"

Before I could answer Mrs Mosby walked in not noticing us. I quickly grabbed my book bag and ran out. Victor however was caught in the music room by Mrs Mosby but i was long gone by that time thus i was oblivious to what would happen next.

Victor's POV:

Calum had just ran out, I didn't understand why he was crying or why I was so worried about him. I had even found myself thinking about him the last few nights. His ocean blue eyes and bright blonde hair. He always wore converse and honestly dressed very "boy next door". I've liked boys before just as I have liked girls before but this felt a bit different. My heart would quicken at the very thought of him. I barely knew him but I was intrigued by him. I wanted to get to know him.

But first I'd have to deal with Mrs Mosby and then Calum for leaving me to face her alone. Mrs Mosby walked over to me and gave me a very stern look "Mr Prince, as per school policy no one is allowed in the music room without a permission slip or a teacher being present."Not replying to her incessant questions , i instead just attempted to put on a sad face. I couldn't risk getting detention now because my father said he might be home tonight and I can't miss that. Mrs Mosby luckily let me off with just a verbal warning I swear she's the weirdest fucking teacher I've ever had. Always eccentrically happy. I'm sure I heard her giggle at herself for reprimanding me after I had left.

Romance should be the last thing on my mind. I need to try and spend more time with father. His business trips always keep him away from home, leaving me feeling like he wants to get away from me. Technically I'm not alone, Alba was the closest thing to a mom I had ever known.

As the rain began to pour students flocked inside looking for shelter. I tried making my way past them finding myself looking for Calum when a beautiful girl bumped into me. She was wearing an all black outfit with knee high boots but she was completely soaked from the rain.

" Fuck, sorry" she mumbled not even looking at me but rather focusing on her outfit being wet. I noticed that the wet outfit was making her dress sit inappropriately tight and showing the outline of her hardened nipples. I swallowed the largely growing lump in my throat.

I awkwardly took my jacket off and handed it over to her " Umm, maybe use this for a bit yeah?" She looked at me confused "What?" She questioned not realizing her predicament.

I cleared my throat loudly and motioned to her outfit. When she noticed, she quickly grabbed my jacket and zipped it closed in a haste.

She gave me a warm and thankful smile "Shit, thank you. I'm Amoré by the way are you new i haven't seen you around?"

" Sort of, I only started here like near the end of last term. I'm Victor." She smiled flirtatiously at me before saying "We should probably exchange numbers so I can message you later about returning your jacket"

I didn't respond but she handed her phone to me and I entered my number into it and she happily walked away spinning dramatically.

The bell rang and everyone made their way to their respective classes.

Calum POV:

A bit earlier...

I completely freaked the fuck out when Victor tilted my chin making me stare into his emerald green eyes. His touch against my face almost magnetic sending shivers through my body. I snapped myself out of our ephiral gazing and made a run for it.

As i ran to the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls memories of the day i was outed began to resurface. I could feel my heart begin to race as my vision began to blur i lowered myself to the ground. Suddenly the air around me felt thin, my breaths shortening with every attempt to breathe. Fuck, not another panic attack. As the feelings of anxiousness washed over me I just waited for it to be over. Focusing on memories of Amoré supporting me on the day I was outed

Speaking of Amoré I received a string of texts from her.

Ammie: Cal
Ammie: Cal
Ammie: Calum Evans!!!

Calum: What?!

Ammie: Omg Cal i met the cutest guy. Definitely know who I'm going for this year!

Calum: Ha! Hopefully not a repeat of last year babe. I think i might have met someone as well. Will tell you all about it at lunch. Love you bestie xx

Ammie: Bet you mines cuter! LOVE YOU MORE!

As the bell began to ring i popped my phone into my pocket and made my way to homeroom. The memory created between Victor and i from earlier still replaying in my mind. A smile began to form.


Besties! This chapter was a bit intense!

Amoré likes Victor? Does Victor like her? What about Calum???

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