Chapter 2

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Hey all the above picture is Victor's outfit :)


I saw mom driving off in the back of my eye, I quickly wiped my tears and entered the school

"Need to find Amoré" I muttered to myself, Amoré was my best friend and she honestly had the purest soul. When I came out last year she supported me all the way and with dad's death she was constantly checking up on me.

I roamed the halls looking for her and no suprise I found her surrounded by boys as always. She was a gorgeous girl, she had the most beautiful smooth light brown skin and as a plus sized girl she was oozing with confidence about her body and mind. God I wish i had her confidence.

" Okay boys you'll have to excuse me my main bitch is here. Cal!" She exclaimed and ran over to me giving me a hug.

" Listen Babe, this is our year we are going to rock it. I'm going to prove that you can be smart and pretty and get that number one spot in the academic top 10 and you are going to get over your shyness infront of big crowds!." I just rolled my eyes at her comment but i appreciated having a friend like her that cares so much.

" I told you I'm not doing it " I said while giving her the side eye look.

" Now now don't make such rash decisions, i have big plans for us this semester . Where's Jones and Patrick?" Jones and Patrick were part of our friend group and probably the first straight guys that showed me any kindness after i came out. Jones was a short guy with the most carefree attitude and dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes while Patrick was the opposite, he was tall and very into sports. He was a super attractive and unfortunately super straight as well. He had short dark brown hair with hazel eyes.

" I dunno, they said on the group chat that they'll meet us at lunch later today " i mumbled while scrolling on my phone looking for the chat

"Okay whatever, let's just get to class i have nerds to take down" She said while doing a dramatic hair flip very typical Amoré behavior.

" Damn sis, you're really serious about that number one spot aren't you" i said while trying to keep up with her

After rushing to homeroom the first half of the day went by surprisingly fast, me and Amoré didn't have that many classes together except for English and Gym. When it was time for lunch Jones and Patrick were already waiting for us at our usual table. Patrick was a year older and Jones was held back a year so we didn't have any classes with them except for gym and Patrick also did music class with me after school.

" Yooo sexy peeps" Jones waved us over as he was casually lounging in his chair as if he had no care in the world

" Hey guys" Patrick greeted us with a warm smile " Hey Cal, i was thinking that this year i actually want to enter a band to perform in the battle of the bands, i already have an insane lead guitarist and my friend Izzy says she'll join as our bass player. You know I'm gonna kill the drums we just need a lead singer"

" Yeah, no thanks ." i abruptly decline

Patrick sulkingly looked towards me with his large puppy dog eyes and began to pout which made Amoré immediately react supportingly "Awww Cal just look at his eyes. How can you say no to that face"

Fuck! She was right, Patrick has been a good friend, the least i can do is to think about it.

" Alright alright, I'm not saying yes but I'll think about it" I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms dramatically . "And no more fucking puppy dog eyes, that's totally cheating"

" Ha! That's probably a yes from our Cal, guess you win again Pat!" Jones said happily throwing one arm around me and the other around Patrick.

Amoré suspiciously looked at us before asking "So boys, does anyone have their eye on anyone special this term?"

Patrick smirked, "Maybe I'll ask you out this year Ammie"

Amoré dramatically spat out the water she was sipping as her eyes widened in shock at Patrick's comment and we all burst out laughing. Lunch went on as per usual , we caught up with who did what and spoke about our plans for the year. Jones was surprisingly quiet not saying much about his holiday or what his plans were.

The day went on rather well and I couldn't wait to get to music class after school. I loved to sing, I was always shy in front of crowds so singing was something i never really thought i could take further to a occupation or anything. Music class is where i met Patrick, i never thought a jock would love music as much as he did or that he would become one of my most trusted friends.

After school I headed to music class where Patrick was waiting for me

" Hey Cal, you ready for another term of making awsome music? , I have my drums all set bruv"

"I'm so ready Pat" I said excitedly.

As i turned my gaze to the back of the music room that's when I saw him for the very first time. The first thing i noticed was his tanned skin and earing in his one ear. From his side profile i noticed him sitting with his electric guitar splaid across his lap. As my gaze drifted lower to the tight dark denims paired with his rugged black doc martin's i could feel my heart begin to race.

With the breath I did not know i had been holding in i mumbled to Patrick " Who's that? "

Patrick distractingly responded "Oh that's Victor, he's the lead guitarist for my band i was telling you about earlier"

Repetitively slapping Patrick's arm i said "Patrick I'll be in the band"

" Ouch dude, what?" Patrick gave me a funny look

" I'm definitely in"


There we go chapter two is done!

I hope everyone likes it :)

Q: Do you guys think Calum already has a crush on Victor?

Please like and comment <3

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