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After a few minutes looking for something that we could use , we saw light from a flare .

Lara:„Trinity , they're here"

We don't stop . I takedown a few animals for a leather . I don't like killing animals , but when i have to , i do .

After another few minutes we found someone's backpack . Lara found there walkie-talkie . I looking for something else that i could use .

Suddenly i hear Lara gasp .

I didn't understand why , but when i turn around i understood .

There was a big bear that was charging at Lara . I quickly take her hand and we start running from the bear .

After a few seconds of running we get to some type of shelter . Lara quickly start attacking bear with her pickaxe .

(Y/n):„Lara , this isn't working . We have to move"

We move out from the place just to find out that we have nowhere to go
Then the bear charged at Lara and she ducked . She stab him with the pickaxe . But bear throw her from the cliff

(Y/n):„Lara ?!"i said and jumped from the cliff

Once i saw her body , i quickly rushed to her

(Y/n):„Lara , come on . Don't do this to me"i said and saw she's bleeding „This is not good . I need to find something"

After a minute i found some kind of herb

(Y/n):„Okay , just some kind of bandage and i can stitch her up"

After a while i found some kind of bandage . Suddenly Lara gasp for breath and i quickly looked at her and come to her

(Y/n):„Don't worry . I'll stitch you and then we can go back to shelter"i said and started cleaning her wound

Lara:„Thank you . It means a lot"she said

(Y/n):„Don't mention it"i said and finished stitching her wound „That should do it . Can you walk ?"

Lara:„Yea . I'll be okay"

Then we look at the base in the distance

(Y/n): „An abandomed cold war installation"

Lara: „What hell is Trinity doing down there ?"

(Y/n): „I don't know . But look at that . More Mongol ruins"

Lara:„You're right . And it looks like the path goes all the way through . Ahh , got a get past that bear"

(Y/n):„Yea . But I'm not gonna lie . I'm tired ass fuck . What about we get some rest at our shelter and ..."

Lara:„And what ? You mean me an..."

I have to stop her right here before it's gonna be weird

(Y/n):„Jesus Christ , Lara no . We need to get to some cave and find mushrooms and magnesite . We're gonna make poison arrows"

Lara:„Oh , sorry"

She chuckled nervously

(Y/n):„It's okay . C'mon , I'm hungry and tired . So we find these things and then we're going to sleep"

As we're walking she looked at me

Lara:„Can I ask you something ?"

(Y/n):„Of course"

Lara:„It's weird , but have you ever killed anybody ?"

I stop and take deep breath

Lara:„I'm so sorry . I shouldn't a.."

(Y/n):„No , it's okay . It's just , you're the first person who talked to me like that . My whole life i had to listen orders . I was raised , trained to be a weapon . They don't care about my feelings . I killed lots of people and I'm not proud of it"

I feel few tears on my cheek

(Y/n):„I still see it . Their faces , feeling their emotions . So yes . I killed"

She slowly go over to me and looked me in the eyes , then she hug me . I did not expect that but i hug her back . I can feel more tears

Lara:„I'm so sorry (Y/n) . I'm your friend now , you can trust me"

(Y/n):„Thank you so much"

She broke the hug and smile at me . She have really beatiful smile

I cough

(Y/n):„Okay . You find mushrooms . I'm taking magnesite . After you find it . Go to our shelter . If I'm not gonna be there wait on me . Okay ?"


Then we go separate ways .

After i find magnesite i goes back to our shelter . I can see Lara sleeping on the ground . I go over to her and smile . I take her by bridal style and take her inside , throw my blanket at her . After that i goes sleep by myself

You don't know me [Rise of the Tomb Raider]Where stories live. Discover now