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Lara and Y/N went over to a watchtower and climbed up it, seeing more of the Soviet Installation from the top.

A chopper was landing in the next big area.

Lara: Not getting in that way without getting seen . Must be another way

Y/N: There is

Y/N point at the zipline

They jumped on the line and zipped down, holding . The zipline took them down to a large shack . As they got there, they saw two Trinity soldiers get shot down by arrows.

When they landed, a man came out from behind a tree; he looked like one of the remnants.

???: Don't shoot, I'm not your enemy

Y/N: Yeah , I've heard that before

Lara: Y/N , wait ! Who are you people ?

???: All that can come later . If you want answers, then listen close. We've managed to destroy the old radio tower, but there are repeaters that keep them connected. We need to shut them down. Help me, and I'll let the others know they can trust you two .

Lara: Alright , we'll keep an eye out for them

???: Good . We don't have much time

As they're continue in their way , they talking about Apple of Eden

Lara: And why does your mentor the apple so much ?

Y/N: Apple of Eden is a... It's something that can show you real power . It can humiliate human minds

Lara: And what are you gonna do after that ? Do you want to lead the brotherhood ?

Y/N: Yes . I need to repair lots of things

The first big thing in the area was what looked like a lumber-mill.
There was a communication repeater, so Lara tore apart it's open circuit box with her pickaxe.

Then they ran over to a nearby giant rock formation, right above a cave. At the top of the rock was another communication repeater.

Lara jumped up and climbed to the top with her pickaxes, although she did slip a few times, before she reached the repeater and broke it with the pickaxe.

Lara: 2 down and 3 to go

She then rode down a zipline to a cliff where the next repeater was
Y/N broke it apart with his tomahawk . After that they goes looking for other repeater

As they climbed around a rocky cliff, she heard the Trinity soldiers talking on a radio.

???: We need to get more information out of the prisoner If Konstantin has to do it himself, he's not gonna be happy

???: We'll have to use brotherhood methods , but he's clearly had some experience with interrogation techniques before .

???: We think he's the leader of the Remnant, He has to know about the Divine Source

???: We need to find it . And if we can find Apple of Eden too , not even Assassin's gonna be able to stop us

Soon, Lara and Y/N reached the top and found a campfire, which they sat in front of to warm themselfs up

As Lara upgraded her gear, Y/N was deep in his thoughts . Lara listened her dad's record

Mr.Croft: I hope you received my last tape in good time . I am becoming increasingly fond of recording these messages to you. Ana says that I need time away from my books and papers every so often, if only to remember why I'm doing all this. I know you hate me going away, but it will be worth it one day. It will all be worth it

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