6-Not everyone

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Jacob: We have to move . The guards will be here soon to do their rounds

Lara: Do you know the way out ?

Jacob: Yes. I've had time to study this place

Y/N: Make sense

Before they followed, Lara saw a tape recorder on a desk in front of the cells.

Konstantin: We began invasion of the valley not twenty-four hours ago. I expected resistance and have not been disappointed
The people of the valley think they defeat us, but the harder they fight, the stronger my resolve grows. If they weren't protecting something, they wouldn't martyr themselves so. they wouldn't endure tortures with such resolve. They are believers. I respect that. But they are on the wrong side of this battle. It will not be long now. A new, better world is at hand

Y/N: Trinity is here in force... with a lunatic in command. But still, why are they working with brotherhood ?

Lara: I don't know, but we will find out

They then caught up to Jacob, who was walking down a stairwell.

Lara: How long were you in that cell Jacob ?

Jacob: Long enough to learn that Konstantin won't stop until he's found what he's looking for

Lara: The Divine Source, is it here ?

Jacob chuckled a bit

Jacob: Trust must go both ways, Lara

Lara could only sigh. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy. Y/N smiled at her

They came to a room in the basement level that had a projector on

Lara couldn't help, but she had to think about Ana. How she betrayed her and her family

Truth be told, Lara felt very betrayed. She almost saw Ana as a mother figure ever since her own mother died...and yet, there was a part of her that told her not to trust Ana. She just didn't want to think it was true.

Then she looked at the image from the projector

Lara: What is this ?

Y/N: A history lesson. It's hard to imagine what all happened here in the past

Lara: It was a work camp

The image showed people gathered in a crowd. She pressed a button on the projector to go to the next image, which showed soldiers forcing people to work

Lara: The Soviets sent prisoners here... to work in the mines

Jacob: Even that wasn't enough. They captured our people, took children from their mothers to work as slaves

Y/N: God, it must have been horrible

As Lara looked up at the projection, she saw that they weren't mining out any ore of any kind. Just digging at the cave walls.

Lara: This doesn't look like mining. This looks more like...an excavation

Jacob: It's...possible. They dug anywhere they caught a hint of wealth

The next projection had the slaves lifting some sort of statue.

Lara: Those. Those are ancient. What did they find ?

Jacob: You'll have to ask them

Y/N: I think we should go, it's not safe here

Lara went over to door on the far left and pried it open with her pickaxe, leading to another stairwell.

Jacob: Our best chance of escape is to make our way to the old train yard

they went up the stairs.

Lara: And then what ?

You don't know me [Rise of the Tomb Raider]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin