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Sensei: Do you even know what have you done ?!

Y/N: Yea , save thousands of innocents

Sensei: You didn't listen my order ! That sounds like execution .

Y/N: Go ahead . You make me what I am

Sensei: You were like real son to me Y/N

Y/N: And you're like real Sensei . Long time ago though

Sensei: Enough ! I should kill you right now . But you were my best student . I'm gonna let you go . I'm gonna let animals to take care of you

*Sound of gunshot*

Y/N: Ahhh

Lara: You heard that , right ?

Y/N: Yea come on

We goo outside and I see flashlight in the distance

Y/N: Okay , you climb on the tree . I'm gonna wait on him in the bushes . Once he's dead , we're leaving

Lara: Okay

Lara climbed on the tree and I wait on the guy . After a minute somebody came to our shelter and start shooting at it . After a few bullets he notice that we aren't inside anymore . The guy goes over to me and I knew it's my time

Once he was close enough , I take his leg and take him down . Once he was on the tround I cut his throat with hidden blade .

Another one comes slowly to me so I hide behind the tree and stick with the shadows . Once the guy was next to me I elbow him to the ribs and when he bend forward I stuck a hidden blade in his throat

Y/N: Sweet dreams

I said and headbutt him

Lara's POV

When i saw Y/N kill that men i cannot believe my eyes . Yes , he didn't have other choice , but i can say he's broken .

I go over to him and he look at me

Y/N: You okay ?

Lara: I should ask you that


Y/N: C'mon , i don't think that these 2 assholes was only one here

As we're looking we decide to split up . I climb on the tree and see guy below me . I take arrow with rope and put that arrow in his throat . Then I jump down and left him hanging on the rope

???: Hey

I turn around and see some guy who point his gun at me

???: Any last words you bastard ?

Y/N: Sure , do it

Before he could do anything , arrow was in his head and the guy was instantly dead . I look who shot that arrow and see Lara . Lara smiled at me but then she see a guy hanging on the rope

Y/N: Thanks

Lara: Yea , you were helpless

Y/N: Really ?

She smiled at me

Y/N: C'mon . We've got a small bear to kill

Lara: I wouldn't say it's small

Y/N: I wouldn't say i was helpless

Lara: Ohh , okay


So we make it infront of cave where the bear is

Y/N: Okay , shoot that arrow to his head . Once he's gonna be slow I'm gonna shoot normal arrows . When he's gonna be okay , you shoot second one , okay ?

Lara: Yea Let's go

After a minute we managed to kill the bear

Y/N: That boy was something else , right ?

As I continue looking in the room , I notice weak spot in the wall

Y/N: Lara ? Can I borrow your pickaxe ?

Lara: Yea sure

She handed me her pickaxe and I look at the wall . I start to destroy it and I see there is a way out . So I clear our way and give Lara her pickaxe back

As we're continue our way down we find out that we have to swin in water

Lara:„Shit , that's gonna be cold"

Y/N: Yea , but it's only way

I start going to the water and I have to admit , it's really cold .
After we get to the other sidwr we sit for a while by the fire

After we make ourselfs warm we decide to continue in our way

As we continue we see old war galley

Lara: A byzantine war galley ?

She said with amezement in her voice

Y/N: It's beautiful . I never thought I'd see her with my own eyes . It's amazing . I don't know about you , but I'm gonna check it out

After we make our way up we found something that looks like a codex

Y/N: It's some type of codex . Check it out . It should help you to master your bow shooting

After that we get out of the ice mountain and as we walking towards the fire , somebody shoots arrow infront of us . I quickly aim my bow . Lara aim her bow too . We see that some women is aiming her bow at us

Lara: We're not your enemy

???: Maybe you're not . But your friend is

Then she aimed her bow at me

???: Your suit . You're one of them , aren't you ? Assassins brotherhood

Y/N: Not anymore

???: Well , that remains to be seen . You kill those men back there

Y/N: I have no other choice .

Lara: We killed them to survive

Y/N: I suspect you did too

She then lowers her bow

Lara: How long they have been here ?

???: Days , at most . The invaders took many of my people prisoner . You two should leave this place before it's too late

I rembered that i saw her already

Y/N: Wait . I know you . Sofia , right ?

Sofia: Yes . You're lucky I didn't kill you . People like you are monsters

Y/N: I know

I then stay silent and she aimed her bow at me

Sofia: If I see you two again . I'll put an arrow in your throat

Lara: We're on the same side . I hope we can prove that to you

Sofia: Trust me , girl . That guy next to you isn't on the same side . You should what they've done . What they've done to my people .

Suddenly there was explosation behind us . And we quickly turned around

Lara: What's going on down there ?

When we turned around we see that Sofia is not there anymore .
I'm still looking to the ground . Lara put her hand on my shoulder

Y/N: She's right Lara . I'm monster

Lara: No , no , no . Don't say that . You saved me . You can't be monster

Y/N: You don't know what I've done Lara . If you only knew

Lara: C'mon . Let's take a while and sit by the fire .

Y/N: Yea sure

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