8-Alone, again

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They got up and head further in, finding a few parked train cars.

Jacob(Radio): Lara, Y/N, are you okay?

Lara: Yes, We're at the base of the old Soviet mill...

Jacob(radio): I'm making my way to the mine entrance at the top of the facility. Can you two meet me there?

Lara: We're on our way

They headed in further, past the train cars, climbed some wooden crates onto a platform.

They climbed up a ladder and jumped across to another building. Lara looked like she was about to slip, but luckily, the Y/N caught her.

Lara: Thank you

He nodded and pulled her up

Y/N: Yeah, you're welcome

They entered a room with some bunk-beds that cages around them.

Lara: Caged... like they were animals

Y/N: The levels of cruelty that humans are capable of always disgusts me

The climbed up a ladder to get higher, but they heard voices of some soldiers.

Soldier 1: Do we have a map of the facility?

Soldier 2: Negative. Even if we did, there's a lot of structural damage from the revolt

Soldier 1: Gonna be dangerous, getting up higher. Weather and elements have taken their toll. So this is where the Soviets broke through?

As they kept talking, Lara noticed some bottles of alcohol on a nearby table, along with some cloth.
That gave her an idea, 'I can use this to make a Molotov Cocktail!'

Y/N(whispering): Psst. Hey, come on, or we're gonna get jumped...!

Lara nodded before the two of them began to sneak around

Soldier 1: So is this where the Soviets broke through?

Soldier 2: Yeah. First contact was in one of the mineshafts, and they shifted all operations to retrieval.

They crept a bit closer, then Lara put the cloth in the bottle and lit it.

Then she threw it in between the two soldiers that were talking. It hit the ground where they were standing, bursting into flames and lighting them both on fire!

They both screamed in agony as they were burned to death, then Y/N shot the two remaining soldier

Y/N looked at the soldiers who were in flames and shoot their heads. Lara watched him and sae the regret in his eyes. He tried to change so bad, but the world just didn't let him

The next way forward was past a barrier of broken wood and cloth, which Lara burned away with a Molotov Cocktail.

They went past the copper chute to a huge jumping gap . There was a rafter with ropes tied around it that they could to swing across.

Lara shot a rope arrow, and swung across. Y/N swung a rope that held a grappling hook, which hooked to the rafter, then he swung across.

Now they were on some wooden platforms along a bit of the mountain, taking them closer to the top of the mill.

They walked over the platforms, then had to balance on some beams of wood and jump to a rock wall.

They climbed up till they were on another platform of the mill.

Y/N: Shh...!

Y/N shushed as he pointed ahead, where they could hear a soldier talking to Konstantin via radio.

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