Bandu x Reader {Angst/fluff ig}

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       You and your best friend Bandu are casually shopping, late at night. It's a thing you two do when you have nothing else better to do. "I SHOULD GET MORE FAST CANDY!!!" He shouts, running to a different isle. You chuckle, following along at a calm pace. "Bandu, wait up! The store's closing soon, and we should finish up before that happens." you explain, approaching him as he gawks at the various displays.

       "Aww, but I still want to buy more stuff!" he starts to pout, and he slumps down on the floor. However he doesn't stay like this long, and he jumps up hovering close to you. "Watchu gonna buy? I don't got any more allowance." He has a lot of shopping bags floating at his sides, filled with candy and other random things. 'And he wonders why...' you think to yourself, chuckling. "Not much else. I'm probably just gonna stick to what I got." 

      You rummage through your own bag, containing (items of choice). "Okay!" He floats lazily to the next aisle, examining stuff. The lights suddenly flicker and some of them shut off, leaving the store slightly dim. "Woah!!!" he exclaims, positioning himself upright in the air. "Oh shoot, come on let's go! They're closing without us!" you grab his hand and rush out with him.

       By the time you two get to the door, it's already locked up and more of the lights continue to shut off. "No no no!!! We're still here!!! FUCK!!!" Bandu summons his phones into hands and bangs on the door, beginning to breathe harshly. "I can't be stuck here!!! Please...! " he curls up on the floor in front of the closed doors, tears forming in his eyes. You go over to him and kneel down. "Hey, Bandu, It's alright, look at me." 

     you place your hands gently on his shoulders, (ig?) and he looks up at you, tears streaming down his face. He's still hyperventilating and he clutches his oversized sweater anxiously. "B-but we can't get out of here!!! WE'RE STUCK!!!!" he shouts, sobbing. The lights turn all the way off, making it difficult to see. You can still see eachother in the dark though, and you sit down next to him. He sniffles a few times, and looks over at you.

      "I-I'm really sorry Y/n... I should have listened to you when you said it was closing time, and..." You rub his back and he sighs deeply. He hiccups, making you blush a little at how cute it sounded. "It's okay. You were just having a good time, that's all. Hey..." you get an idea. "Hm?" "Can't you teleport to places? Maybe you could try that to get us out of here, and we could go home!" he sighs again, sadly this time. "That's the thing..." he pauses.

      "I-I'm not very good at it and my brother doesn't really like it when I get into situations like this. Also, when I get under pressure it's really hard. I-I really don't want to get in trouble when I get home, and Expunged is gonna be a meanie when I do..." He explains nervously, a few stray tears slipping down his cheeks. He starts to look sad again and he hugs you, pulling you into his lap as he cries some more. "Don't worry so much, It'll be ok. We have each other." 

      you snuggle into his chest and wrap your arms around him, adjusting yourself in his lap. You cup your hands around his face, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. He smiles at you and blushes a little, looking into your eyes with his half lidded ones. He looks so cute. "Do you think you could try? I won't make fun of you if it doesn't work, I promise." He nods, looking relieved and slightly happier with your reassurance. 

      "Y/n..." he leans in and kisses you, without any words being said. You two separate, blushing madly. He shuts his eyes tightly and pulls you close to his chest, nuzzling your head. You open your eyes and look around. "Bandu, hey." you try to get his attention. "Hmm?" He hums happily, a big smile on his face. "Look, we're in your room..."

       He gasps, whipping his head around to see for himself. "H-hey!" he jumps up, pulling you off of the floor by your hand. "I did it! I did it!!" he exclaims happily, dancing around. He steps on something and it crinkles. "Huh?" He looks down at the shopping bag he stepped on. "Oh, our stuff too!" he looks over at you, smiling like a happy child. "Wanna go watch a movie and eat our snacks?" You nod happily.

      "Sure! I don't think Expunged found out that we were even gone. He probably thinks we were asleep the whole time. I guess I'm having a sleepover." He does a fist pump, and grabs his bags, as well as you. Floating his bags in the air, he swoops you up bridal style and carries you downstairs. Setting you down gently on the couch, he lays on your chest, snuggling into the crook of your neck. You two stay like this for a few moments. "Bandu..." 

     He looks up at you, eyes half lidded, and he's blushing a little. "Yea?" he murmurs, gazing into your eyes. You slide his hat off and rub his head, combing your fingers through his soft, curly brown hair. He giggles a little, smiling. "Are ya proud of me? I got us home!" he says softly. "Yes, I'm very proud of you. Good job. Also..." You pause, looking into his large, soft eyes for a moment. "I love you. Thanks for being in my life."

    He sighs, and snuggles closer to you. "I love you too Y/n, thanks for giving me the chance." He says back. "Oh yeah, I... I kissed you, didn't I?" he asks nervously. You remember and blush a little. "Yeah..." He looks at you for a little longer and then gives you another kiss. "Mwah! I guess that makes it two then." You blush and giggle a bit, and the both of you settle down to sleep. "You're sweeter than candy~"


Wow my fingers burn 😬

But hey, another oneshot, a bit longer for y'all. We all love the lil' skrunkly <3

Requests are still open!!! What should I do next?

(I need ideas please) 

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