Don't mind the rain. Dave x reader

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      You, Y/N, had been chilling in your house on a stormy day. You woke up not feeling too great, so you laid on the couch most of the day, feeling depressed. You feel like crying, but you're not sure why. (You can give y/n a reason).

      *bzzzz* your phone vibrates on the coffee table next to you. You slowly drag your arm over to the spot, in no rush to pick up your phone. It's Bambi. You answer, hearing Bambi scream into the other end. "HEY Y/N!!!!!" you wince, rubbing your ear. 

      "Ow, dude what." you say irritably, holding the phone at a safe distance away. "Oh sorry lol." you hear rustling on the other end and you hear Bambi say, "Hey! give my phone back!!!" A few seconds later you hear Dave's voice, soft but concerned. "Hello y/n. Uh, are you... still there?" He checks.

      "Oh, um. Yeah." You hear him sigh. "Hey... I don't know if you got any of my calls, so I had Bambi try to call you. Have we been bugging you?" He asks, a hint of worry in his voice. "Oh. I didn't see those. I-I'm sorry. I've just been... Away from the phone." you lie, not wanting to make Dave worried.

      He cares a lot about you and the two of you had been friends for a long time. He sighs again, sounding slightly frustrated this time. "Y/n, I can tell when you're lying to me. I originally wanted to ask if we could come over, but I don't think it's the right time. I guess I should ask instead if you're doing okay." You pause and think for a moment.

       "Well...I wouldn't mind a little company actually. I'm... I'm fine though." you try to reassure Dave, holding back tears. "Ok. We're on our way. don't say anything about the storm cause we're coming anyways bye." He abruptly hangs up, and you sigh, dropping your phone to the side.

      "Why do they have to be so nice to me..." You get up slowly, stretching your back. Your house is slightly messy, but it's not unacceptable. Thank goodness. You're in no mood to clean at the moment. You go to the kitchen to make some popcorn and while that's being made, you go to the living room to pick out a movie.

~little time skip because why not lol~

      about ten minutes after you hung up the phone and prepared everything for their visit, a knock at the door grabs your attention. You make your way to the door, and There they are. Dave and Bambi are standing in the entrance, and Bambi has no hesitation with rushing into your house.

      Dave chuckles, and wheels in politely after greeting you. "Is. That. POPCORN?!" Bambi stands in an army stance, and rushes into the kitchen to go grab it. "Make yourself at home." You jokingly roll your eyes and Dave smiles at you. 

     you halfheartedly laugh and you sink into the couch, starting the movie. Bambi rushes in with a ginormous bowl of popcorn, much more than you had originally made. "Bambi what the heck dude?! Where did you get all of that???" You say in awe.

      He hums a "I dunno" and shrugs. You pay attention to the movie, not noticing Dave motioning to you in desperation, looking at Bambi. Bambi motions to the couch, and walks over to sit. Dave nervously lifts himself out of his wheelchair and sits next to you, clasping his hands in his lap.

      "So..." You look at Dave. You smile after a few moments. Bambi is immediately absorbed into the movie, paying no attention to you and Dave as he mows down the popcorn. "Yea?" He looks to the side. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, looking deep into your eyes.

      "Well..." a tear falls down your cheek, alerting him. "Oh no! Don't cry, I-I'm sorry for asking-" He puts his hand on your shoulder, very worried for you. "I don't know, I-I was just feeling a bit down today." You explain to him what's been making you sad, and he listens attentively.

      You finish, nearly sobbing by the end of your story. "Oh, y/n... that's terrible..." He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly, quivering slightly. "Dave are you ok?" He lets go and looks up at you, nearly crying himself.

      "I would have come over sooner if I knew! I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you..." You rub his back. "It's ok. thank you for being here for me now." You hug him, but you don't let go for a bit. "You're welcome." You two watch the movie in silence, just now noticing the pouring rain.

      Bambi notices and perks up, looking out of the window. "Well, I guess we're staying. That storm is fierce." Dave smiles at you, looking glad at that revalation. "I wouldn't mind." After a few minutes Bambi looks over at Dave and kicks him in the side, but you don't notice. 

      Dave whips his head towards Bambi, angrily staring him down. Bambi waves his hand towards you, ushering Dave to do something. Dave sits up next to you, getting your attention. He clears his throat. "Y-Y/n... there's actually something I've been wanting to tell you. It's okay If you don't want to be friends after this, but..." He sighs, looking back at Bambi one last time. 

     Bambi waves his hand, encouraging Dave. "I-I think... Well... I like you. Like, a lot. Umm... I love you, is what I'm trying to say." Your eyes widen, and you smile, blushing a little. You lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek, and he flushes completely red.

      "So... you feel the same way I do." This brightens your mood to an unbelievable level, and for a moment you forget all of you problems. Dave blushes and hugs you, snuggling into your chest happily. You chuckle, returning his warm embrace.

Maybe it's not so bad.

remember to love yourself.


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