DYA x reader

204 6 31

Credits to @NightmareNeedSleepfor the idea, and for helping me put this together!

Thanks, and enjoy!

ferocious go BRR


      You wake up to the sound of your stupid alarm clock. Great, another morning of disappointment. You climb out of bed groggily. 'What day is it...' you think, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You look around your room and you spot your calendar. Today is circled, but... why? You look a bit closer and you realize that today you're going to hang out with your friend Garrett! You've been friends with him ever since you bumped into him at a school somewhere. 

       Over time he got a school of his own, and today you get to go check it out! You're also excited to meet some "friends" that he mentioned. You hurriedly dress and grab (things you take out, idk), and head out for Garrett's school. ~Once you arrive~ you barely make it up to the red doors of the large school when Garrett, dressed in his usual green sweater and bright blue pants, comes bursting through the door. 

      He tackles you in a tight hug, very happy to see you. "Y/n!!! I felt like that wait was going to last forever! Everyone's so excited to meet you!" he lets you go just as quickly as he grabbed you, and he runs through the doors again. You do the same, chuckling to yourself as you look around. It looks similar to the old school, but it's very colorful and this time, different people are there. 

      You hear a jangling of piano keys, and a man with a piano for a head, dressed in a suit, comes up to you. You back up, slightly surprised by this person's sudden appearance. "Ok Y/n, this is music man!" Music man waves and you wave politely back. He looks happy, and he speaks to Garrett in a voice that sounds like someone playing a piano.

       I guess you could say his tone is 'musical'. (I'm not sorry) 3 more people show up, a policeman, a robot, and a very tall wizard. You then hear an all too familiar sound. Is that diamond man, shouting as usual? He comes rushing around the corner to greet you. "Well hi Y/n!" He shakes your hand. Your eyes widen in surprise. "You work here now?" He nods, and the policeman walks up to you. "Um... hi?" You greet awkwardly.

       "Hello. So you're Y/n, correct?" you nod. "Great to meet you. One rule here, no rapping in the halls." and with that confusing statement, he walks off. You give Garrett a confused look. He shrugs and waves his hand. "Ah, don't worry about it." He looks around, and then at Diamond Man. "Hey, I swear we're missing someone... Where's Blue?" You cock your head. 

      "Blue?" Garrett nods, as Diamond Man rushes off to find him. "Yeah, another friend of ours who works here as well. His actual name is 'Do You Accept', but we just call him Blue." He scratches his head. "I could help find him. Mind if I wander around?" He nods, and follows the direction that Diamond Man left in. you go the opposite way, looking around the corner. You bump into someone wearing a blue hoodie, and they fall, dropping various colored boxes. 

      "Ah!" they cry out, looking up at you in shock. "Oh, I'm so sorry...Are you Blue?" you look the strange being over. He's wearing a blue hoodie, along with some orange pants. You hold out your hand to help him up. "Y-yes...How do you know that name, my name, specifically? Do you know Garrett?" He asks quietly as you help him pick up his packages. 

      "Yeah, I'm a friend of Garrett's..." You trail off as his crimson eyes catch yours. You both stare at eachother for a moment, and you feel something click. "Heh." You look away, handing him his stuff. He gazes at you questioningly. "He told me about you. I take it you're Y/n?" You nod, and you both start to walk down the hall together.

       "Th-thanks for helping me, by the way. Sorry you had to though... I should've watched where I was going, instead of being such a klutz..." he looks guiltily to the side as you continue to walk. "Oh, that's alright. Don't worry about it, it happens all the time!" You give him a closed- eye smile, which reassures him greatly. 

      What you don't notice is that he partially hides his face with his hood, and what you don't know is that he's blushing a little. "Um..." you say after a few minutes, stopping in your tracks. "I think they're in the cafeteria. Come on." Blue softly grabs your hand and leads you to some red double doors. They lead to a big room, with tables. Could only be the cafeteria, and sure enough, everyone is there. 

      Garrett sees you and walks over. "Oh hey, you found him!" He glances at your clasped hands, and Blue quickly yanks his away, realizing that he's still holding your hand. "S-sorry- '' he squeaks, hiding his face again and rushing over to the others. Garrett comes to you. "So what just happened?" he says, astounded at your sudden friendship with the strange being. 

      "Oh, I bumped into him in the halls. He helped me find you guys, too, so there's that." His eyes widen, and he looks over to the others who are happily socializing. "Wow. He's actually pretty shy around other people...well I'm glad you like my friends! Wanna come play a game in the classroom? I saved something special for your visit!" He exclaims happily, dashing away. "Come on everyone!" 

      ~time of le skippe~ soon enough everyone had settled in a seat in Garrett's classroom, and he proceeded to begin a lesson about animals. "This is his idea of fun?" Diamond man whispers to Blue, who stifles a snicker. You smile. You lean back to talk. "He likes to teach, and look at him! He's so happy!" Garrett is smiling happily, and playrobot is talking to him about something. Blue taps your shoulder. 

      "Hey, um...Y/n right? I uh...I drew something and I'd kinda like your opinion on it..." He trails off and holds up a piece of paper, with a drawing on it resembling you. "Wow, you drew that?" He nods, and shyly hands it to you. "Y-you can have it. I want you to take something nice home from your visit." You thank him and turn back around, contentedly listening to Garrett drone on about his favorite subject. 

      Soon enough you check your phone for the time and you realize that it's time to leave. "Oh, Garrett?" you call from the corner of the classroom. He looks at you. "I've been here for a while. It's time for me to go, I have something to do." you explain. He checks the clock on the wall and gasps. "Has it really been so long, and so soon? Well I'll be darned." 

      He walks up to you and pats your shoulder. "Well thanks for visiting me, y/n! I had fun!" You wave to everyone as you're about to walk out of the front doors, but Blue stops you for a moment. "I-I wanted to thank you personally for coming, I uh... I had a really good time in class with you." He smiles, catching your soft gaze for a moment. 

      He gives you a sudden, tight hug and you gladly wrap your arms around him as well. "Sure, any time." you let him go, and see that he's blushing. You chuckle a little bit as he hides his face, flustered. "I'll see you guys soon! Bye Garrett! Bye Blue!" you wave at your friends and give a wink, and with that you leave the school, happy with your adventure.


As always, thanks for reading, my beans. Hope you enjoyed this one!

See ya, Nix out.

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