A trip to dr. B

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"Fuck" I curse as the pain starts to hurt really bad and I remove my hand from the stream of boiling water. "Ow ow ow" I whisper to myself as I run over to the sink and start to run my hand under cold water then all of a sudden another hand grabs the hand from underneath the water. "What the hell" I say as I turn my head to see Natasha standing there looking at my hand. "What are you doing" I ask her cautiously. "What do you think I am doing" she looks at me like I am stupid and continue to look at my hand.

About a minute later she let goes of my hand and comes back in with a cream and a towel. "Nat why are you helping me. I am fine, I promise." I reassure her and try to pull away but she just grabs my hand tighter without a word spoken. After about 5 minutes of her tending to my hand I finally break the silence. "Again I am so sorry about what happened this morning and I promise I will never put you in that situation again" I say and this time I really hope she accepts my apology.

"You know I really don't want to talk about that" she quickly states as she drops my hand and walks back over to where she originally was and continues to read. "Ok nat I have apologized multiple times and I really mean it so why are you still giving me shit" I am now right in front of her basically begging to know why she is mad at me. "Listen I let my guard down and I very much should not have and I felt very uncomfortable in your presence so please for the love of god can you just leave me alone" she states with just pure anger in her tone and leaps out of the room in annoyance.

I sign letting her words sink in and then I look down at my hand that is now throbbing because she didn't finish what she was doing. "Friday?" I question hoping that the wall will answer. "Yes mrs/mr  y/n?" Friday reply's. "Can you tell Bruce I am on my way down to his office and I have a second degree burn" I ask Friday as I start walking to his office. "Of course. He will be notified right away". I walk around the compound and I finally find his office and I knock on the wall slighting with my good hand.

"Hey I am super sorry to bother you but I accidentally poured boiling water directly on my hand when I was trying to make tea and I am afraid it will start to welt." I say with my cheeks turning red from knowing why I was distracted. "That's find just go sit over there and I will tend to you in a second" he says as he points over to a lab table so I walk over and jump up to sit on it when all of a sudden nat walks in. "Hey Bruce I was wondering if you were fre-" she stops mid sentence as she sees me sitting on the table with my hand up. "Oh there is no need to stop on my account" I say with confidence that I had no clue I had.

"Yea Natasha what's up. I was just about to help y/n because they burnt themselves with boiling water" Bruce says as he walks over to me with a cloth and starts to help my wounds. "Oh get over it. She is very obviously fine and is probably just doing all of this for attention" nat scoffs and then darts out of the room. "You know she is probably right I will just go" I say as I try to hop down from the table. " are you sure. Y/n these wounds look pretty serious." He says in worry. "I will be totally fine. I have gone through worse so I know how to heal it correctly" I say as I walk out of the room and back to the kitchen to see Wanda in there this time.

"Oh hey y/n. Oh my god what happened to your hand!" She yelps as she walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Wanda I am fine I just accidentally spilled hot water on it." I pull away my hand and she looks up at me. "Have you have Bruce take care of this yet" she asks and I can tell her motherly instincts are kicking in. " well no I told him that I was fine because it really is not that important" I say trying to convince her that it is no big deal. " nope that won't do. Here hop up" she points to the counter and I jump up. She grabs my hand then hums. "Well this will need a bandage so I will be right back and don't you dare move" she says with no room for arguing and walks out of the room leaving me which my thoughts.

She comes back not even 5 minutes later with a bowl of warm temperature water and plastic to wrap my hand in. "Give me your hand love" she says and I lift up my hand to let her help it. She gently lowers my hand into the water and then grabs my other hand and uses her thumb to rub slow circles on the back of it to keep me calm. "Ok so now we just have to wait like 10 minutes for that to sit so do you want me to make you food because I know that you didn't eat earlier." She asks with love in her voice, compared to Natasha's voice just 20 minutes ago this is a lot better. " sure I would love that" I say and she tries to walk away but I grab her hand one last time.

"Thank you Wanda. No one has really ever taken care of me like this before" I say as I look down only to realize that Natasha had been standing there that whole time with her fist clenched and her eye brows pulled up tight. " of course. It is my pleasure." She realizes nat is standing there. "Oh hey nat can you stay and keep y/n company while I make them food" Wanda says as she walks over to the stove and turns it on. "I'm busy" nat says bluntly and walks out of the room. Wanda looks at me with a confused expression and then just continues to cook my food.

Hello loves! I am sorry I didn't post a chapter yesterday, I was just really tired and I totally forgot about it but I hope you like this one. If you guys have any ideas for this book or my one shot books then please comment them. REMEMBER TO EAT SOMETHING AND DRINK WATER ❤️❤️

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