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My body jolts forward but I still don't know why Wanda is so freaked out.  The pain hits me all at once. I very slowly look down at my right shoulder to see blood gushing out of a wound. A choked gasp leaves my mouth as I look back up at Wanda.

I can still see the panic rushing through her eyes as she runs towards me. I feel my breath starting to get stuck in my throat and I slowly start to panic. "W-Wanda" I gasp and try to reach out for her. " it's ok y/n relax your gonna be just fine" she is now by my side.

I am now starting to sway back and forth because of how much blood I have lost and am currently losing. "Ok um sit down" Wanda says then guides me to lay down in the ground of the shed.


I still don't know who shot y/n but at this point all I am thinking about is making sure she stays alive. Seeing her in so much pain breaks my heart into a million pieces. I will not let her die.

She is now resting in my lap as I hold up her head and drape my arm over her torso. Tears are streaming down my face and onto her shoulder, the tears fall even harder as I realize the gun shot hit a very major artery which explains why it's bleeding so much.

I don't know what to do. I don't have anything to stop the blood with. Wait yes I do. I quickly rip my shirt off of my body and over my head. I am only in a bra but I don't know, if this saves y/n then it is all worth it.

I take my shirt and tie it around her shoulder to try to stop the very fast bleeding. "Wanda, Wanda" she groans as I press down hard on the wound. "I know, I'm so sorry" I mumble as I continue the motion.

"No Wanda, my-my powers can tell" she stops mid sentence and gasps a little. "My powers and alert the others that I need help" she explains and for the first time in 20 minutes, I feel a glimpse of hope rush through my body.

"Good then do that" I rush her because I realize that we are running out of time, i can only do so much to stop all the blood rushing from her weak shoulder. I look up at her face and see that she has closed her eyes and slowed her breathing.

At first I panic because I thought something bad happened but then I realize that she is just telling the others where we are and what we need. "D-done" she whispers. We both realize that now it is just a matter of time before they get here and help us.

A very small smile appears on my face as I look into her gorgeous eyes. Even if she is with Natasha, I will still love her. I will love her till the day I die. I see a smile break onto her face and a tear fall down her cheek as I realize she read my mind.

"Get out of my head princess" I say and smile at her. I can tell the nickname made her blush but she is staying extremely calm. I know that if I were shot I would be panicking like never before. My eyes travel down to her wound again and the little bit of happiness I had left is gone.

"Wanda" she whispers and I look back up at her face. "If I d-die" she stutters and my heart breaks more. "No, i am not allowing you to talk like that. You are not dying today y/n " I say with a stern tone of voice but she just keeps a sad smile on her face.

"Wanda I'm serious, if I die I want you to tell the team that they were the closeted I have ever had to family, I know I have only known them for a few days but they have treated be with more love then anyone else has" she pauses a lot but finally finishes what she is saying.

I nod quickly and try not to cry any harder then I already am. All of a sudden I hear another gun shot go off and I quickly duck over y/n's body trying to avoid one of us getting hit. Not even a second after I hear the shot someone kicks open the door right behind me.

"Oh thank god" I choke out as I see tony and the rest of the crew standing in the door way. "She- she was shot in her shoulder, I tried to soak up as much blood as I could with my shirt but she just kept bleeding" I finally sob as I relive the situation in my mind. As I'm looking at them I can't help to wonder where Natasha is?

Before I know it she is being taken from my hands by Bruce and tony. I stand up and feel Steve's hands rap around me. He brings me into a tight hug to distract me from everything. I sob. I just sob as he is holding me. He doesn't even care that I am soaking his shirt, To be honest i don't care that I am either.

Eventually Steve let's go of me and I see y/n being carried out of the shed and back to the compound. Me and Steve walk side by side until we reach the door. We all practically sprint to Bruce's lab so we can get the Bullet out of y/n.

I am now sitting on the chair next to y/n who is laying limp in the hospital bed. I am extremely glad that they others found us when they did because I don't know how much longer y/n would have had before they would have bled out.

The thought of her dying makes me shiver but I reassure myself that she is safe and lying right next to me. "How are you holding up" I hear a voice ask from the doorway and I turn my head. Steve stands there with two cups of coffee in his hands and a smile on his face.

Seeing him makes me smile and I look back at y/n. "Well let's just say it wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my afternoon" I lift my hand up to brush a piece of hair out of y/n's face. "I just can't believe she would do that, Tony and Bruce are trying to figure out what happened"Steve says and I can't help but be very confused.

"Wait what" I look at Steve with pure confusion. "They know who shot y/n?" I ask and Steve sighs. "They didn't tell you?" I shake my head no. "It was Natasha, Natasha was the one who shot y/n." What. The. Actual. Fuck.

HEYYYY EVERYONE. IM SO SO SORRY THAT I DIDNT RELEASE THIS SOONER BUT I HAVE BEEN BUSY. ok that's enough of the all caps. Ok at first i didn't get why writers loved killing characters but now I get it!! It's so fun to write. I also love leaving you guys on cliff hangers. So why do you all think nat shot y/n? MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES-juni <3

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