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Note: ok so if the text is in italics then it is a flash back/memory and y/l/n means your last name.

Y/n's pov

I walk Into my room and I let out a deep breath. I can't believe I let everyone see me using me powers. It's gonna be a lot to explain to the team. I shake away all the thoughts from my head as I walk over to my mirror and take my top off and over my head. I look down at my stomach and see the pen sized scar going across my abdomen.

I sigh and drag my hand up to the scar. I use my finger to lightly trace over it and watch it from the mirror. The scar is a pink and white shade and it is about half an inch thick but about 4-5 inches long. I got this scar when I was first found by hydra.


I open my eyes to see that I am tied to a chair. With the ropes binding my hands and legs to the chair I can't really move. I take a look around and all I see is pitch black. My breathing starts to pick up it's pace as i realize the danger I am in. I start to squirm in my seat attempting to get out of the ropes. I am only shifting the chair and it is no use, the ropes Wont go anywhere.

"Look who is finally awake" a voice emerges from the darkness. "Why am I here" I am now panting and aggressively shifting in my chair to get away from any possible danger. "Now I think I will be the one asking the question" i voice says from right behind me and I gasp realizing how close they are to me. Whoever they are i am terrified just by their voice.

Suddenly a hand smacks the top of my head and grips my hair to shift my head to look to my left. I light whimper leaves my mouth and I direct my eyes to where they want me to look. The sight I see is terrifying. It's my mother tied to a chair just like me but only a couple meters away from me. I try to scream out only to realize that my mouth is covered with cloth. A tear runs down my cheek and I turn my head in all directions to see who is in the room.

I turn my head around and see someone standing right behind me. If I counted right then there are 4 people in the room. Me, my mom, the person behind me and the person standing near me and my mom. I shut my eyes tightly for a few seconds to try to get my head to stop spinning. "See mrs y/l/n i have found your weakness" he looks at me then tips his head towards my mom.

I try to protest but it only comes out as mumbles because of the cloth at my mouth. "Oh can someone take the tape off her mouth. We are so far out that it doesn't matter if she screams" the man talks to the other man behind me and I feel tough tugging at the cloth on top of my mouth.

The moment it falls from my lips I yell. "She didn't do anything! Let her go please!" Tears are streaming down my face but my face quickly goes pale as I see him pull out a knife. "Now why would I listen to you? You are simply a week girl who is tied up." He chuckles and walks in my direction with the knife in his hands.

I let out a quick breath and try to inconspicuously tug at the ropes binding my hands but the man behind me whips his hands up to mine in one quick motion. "My name is Strucker and the man behind you is Daniel." He introduces himself as he walks closer to me. By breathing picks up as he gets closer and closer until he is only a foot away from me.

He lights the knife up and holds it right in front of my face. "Please" I gasp and try to move my face away from the blade. "Oh don't worry, I would never hurt your pretty little face. But I would be careful what you with for" he says and then takes the blade and uses it to cut my shirt right above my stomach.

He removes the flap of my shirt and then looks at my stomach. he holds the blade right up to it. "Hmm such pretty skin. It would be a shame if I slipped" t the last part of his sentence he drags the blade up in one quick motion which cuts a slice to the left of my belly button. I gasp in pain as I feel the blood drip down from the wound. "Maybe next time don't let us find your weaknesses"


I tightly shut my eyes at the brutal memory and then continue to take my clothes off so I can shower. I step into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I look at my self once more in the mirror before stepping into the hot water. I look up at the wall and let the water rush over my body, cooling all of my nerves.

It has been a while sense I have been able to take a nice hot shower so I am soaking this in the best I can. I stand there for about 10 more minutes until finally decide I should get out. I turn off the water then step out of my shower onto a fuzzy rug. The rug feels nice on my feet as I get changed into a bigger shirt and shorts.

I walk back into my room and flip down onto my bed with an exaggerated sigh. "You got a lot of stuff on your mind I'm guessing" Someone says from behind me and I quickly Turn my head around. All I see is Wanda standing in my doorway. "Oh my gosh Wanda your scared me." I gasp and then turn my full attention to her.

"Oops my bad" she says as she walks over to my bed and sits on the edge. I drag my eyes to look up at the ceiling and we both sit there in silence as we wait for the other person to talk. "That was pretty cool what you did out there" Wanda breaks the silence and I guide my head in her direction. "Yeah I guess" I huff and pause "that was the first time in a while that I had used my powers" I look back up at my ceiling trying to avoid eye contact.

"Hm well I could help you if you want" Wanda says sweetly and then drags her eyes up my body to my face which causes a light blush to attack my  cheeks. "Yeah I guess that would be nice" Wanda hums and raises her eye brows. She looks down at her hands and starts fidgeting with her fingers.

"You know when I first got my powers I was terrified. I had no clue what to do and no one was there to teach me and I know that you have probably had your powers for a while but I would still love to help you keep them strong" she says and locks eyes with me. I nod my head and pick my body off from lying down and I sit up to give her my full attention.

"Thank you. No one has really ever helped me and this means a lot" I look at her and take one of her hands into mine so she stops fidgeting with them. "And I wanted to let you know that I do forgive you for chucking me into a wall earlier" I smirk and the comment receives  a chuckle to appear from Wanda. I could listen to that laugh all day if I could.

Hello my loves how are you?!? I'm so sorry this took a while to write, there is a lot of stuff going on in my life right now so it is hard to find time to write but I get out of school next Friday so I will be able to write a whole bunch in the summer btw I also just finished stranger things season 4 and it was super good! MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES!!!! -juni ❤️

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