
978 28 0

Note: if anything is written in this font it is a memory or a nightmare:)

Warnings: mentions of guns, blood and violence. (If you don't like it just skip the italic words )

I sit laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling. It was Natasha. I know it was. But I can't help but think that it wasn't. The look she gave me earlier when I attacked her was just different. It was a look that appeared innocent.

I try to shake the thoughts out of my head as I get up to go to the bathroom. I slip out of my bed and into the dimly lit room. I take off my Makeup from the day. I look up at the mirror to take a good look at myself. I have bags under my eyes and my hair is greasy. What have I don't to myself.

I have been so focused on y/n that I haven't even been talking care of myself the way I should be. I really need to get it together. But There is just something about her that captures me. I take a deep breath and finish what I was doing.

I return back to my bed and grab the remote to turn on my tv when I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell to whoever and I see Natasha walk in. I immediately tense up. "What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be in a cell!" I say sternly.

"Relax, I'm allowed to be here. Don't worry. Besides they have a tracker thing on me so if I make any sudden movements it will shock me" she says in fake excitement and goes to sit at the very edge of my bed. We both sit in silence for a little while.

"I'm sorry for doing what I did earlier" I speak dryly trying to break the silence. I fidget with my fingers and finally look up at Natasha. Her eyes are slightly filled with tears as she speaks. "I get why you did it, I would have done the same thing" she blinks repeatably trying not to cry.

I sigh because now I am aware that she knows what she did. "I was drugged Wanda, tony thinks that when we were Attacked at the library they must have put something on me somehow" her voice is broken.

Suddenly the hate I felt for her starts to fade into sadness. "Oh nat" I say sympathetically. "I didn't do it Wanda. I would never want to hurt her, never!" She is sobbing between words and I move to rap my arms around her. "They forced me" she sobs harder and my heart aches for her.


I am laying on a cold floor. I can feel the cold on my back as I bring my hand up to my face. Blood. So much blood. I look to my left to see Wanda's dead body. I gasp loudly. "Oh look who is awake." A voice comes from my right and I look to see them. "Natasha" I say dryly. She is towering over me.

I look down at her hand to see she is holding a gun, the image of Wanda's body flashes through my brain. "What did you do Natasha?" I have pure fear written all over my voice. I can barley even speak honestly. The sight in front of me is so horrifying.

"She was getting a bit too close for my liking" Natasha says and fidgets with the gun. My heart is racing as I look back at Wanda. There is blood dripping from her mouth and hun shots all throughout her torso. I gasp and look back at Natasha as tears flow down my face.

"No, no no Natasha why?!?" I yell as anger starts to thrive in my voice. She just looks at me and raises her eyebrows almost mockingly. "Oh I'm so sorry you sweat thing, but I'll have to kill you too" she says and points the gun barrel at my forehead.

HEY EVERYONE!!!! I'm so sorry it's taken this long. I am having major writing block and I just can't figure out what to write. I hope everyone is doing amazing! Feel free to give me some ideas for the book. MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES!! -juni <3

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