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Nat created a chatroom
Nat invited Loki

Loki: What dO YOU WANT

Nat: Are you grumpy because your so called 'plan' failed?

Loki: All because of TONY

Tony joined the chatroom

Tony: You summoned me?

Loki: Go to hell TONY

Loki blocked Tony

Loki: All because of him. If he was not so careless, if he ate in time, slept in time,worked on time Y/N didn't have to babysit him! AND this makes Bruce jealous, more like sad! He always eND UP THINKING Y/N CARES FOR TONY AND LIKES HIM! BUT WHY CAN'T HE SEE THAT Y/N CARES FOR EVERYONE AND SHE IS THE MOM OF THE TEAM!AND SHE LIKE HIM TOO!!!!!!

Loki: You mortals are a bunch of oblivious idiots!

Nat: Gonna pretend didn't see this^

Nat: And technically it's not just Tony's fault

Loki: You're right.......sorry

Tony unblocked himself

Tony: Are you apologizing to me, Reindeer?

I APOLOGIZE TO KNOW ONE ELSE THEN NATASHA ROMANOFF, Y/N L/N, WANDA MAXIMOFF AND my lovely, most beautiful, generous, kind mother, FRIGGA


Tony: Geez calm down, Loki

Tony: And what, you are secretly friends with the Black Widow now? Nat? Are you seriously planning to get Banner and Y/N together with this guy?

Loki: I m right here, you know

Nat: yes we are friends, you have any problem? And what do you mean by 'this guy'? 'This guy' is the most tolerable among you guys. He is intelligent, he is patient and he is not a chatterbox (unlike you). So yes....

Loki: Thank you, Lady Widow:)

Nat: No prob, Lokes;)

Tony: Wow, alright

Tony left the chatroom

Nat: Should we take help from others?

Loki: Maybe..

Loki added Wanda
Loki added Bucky
Loki added Steve

Wanda: Hello:)

Loki: Hey Lady Wendy:)

Wanda: Oh Luigi!:)

Bucky: So Banner and Y/N........

Nat: Yes, we need a plan.....

Steve: They are too oblivious for their own good.....

Bucky: What about a blind date?

Nat: Bruce will be a nervous wreck... and there are many possible chances he might even hulk out....

Loki: and y/n doesn't likes dates...

Steve: What if we lock them in a room?


Nat: Seriously, Steve?????

Steve: what? Scott said it would work

Sam joined the chatroom

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