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Y/N created a chatroom Tony, Steve,Nat, Bucky, Sam, Loki, Peter, Clint

Y/N: guys

Y/N: i have some questionsss

Y/N: Guyss


Clint: Go back to sleep, Y/N! It's too early for your shittt

Y/N: can't sleep.

Y/N: First answer my questions and then you are free to goooo

Y/N: Pweettyy pleaseee with whipped cream and a cherry on toppp!

Clint: Ok ok geez

Y/N: ok so

Y/N: If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

Steve: what

Y/N: Do caterpillars know that they're going to be butterflies or do they build the cocoon not knowing what will happen?

Nat: yeah ok

Y/N: If God sneezed, what would you say?

Y/N: If two mind readers reads each others mind, who's mind are they reading?

Y/N: If I told you I am lying in the bed right now, aren't I actually telling you the truth??

Y/N: How come our noses run but our feets smell??


Tony: ask google

Y/N: ask google? Tony, do you hear urself, u sound like Clint!

Y/N: Ohh wait💡

Nat: wht the heck is that light bulb

Y/N: like...I have an idea

Tony: why do I feel m not going to like this

Y/N: oh you will love this Tony

Tony: i don't think

Y/N : whatever... everyone else loves my memes

Tony: oh yeah? Who does?

Nat: I do.

Loki: I do.

Peter: I do.

Clint: I do.

Tony: Steve doesn't.

Nat: And all you care about is Steve? So our opinions have no values huh. Do remember that time Steve was trying to kill you I SAVED u. The time STEBE was trying to eat your share of food while you were asleep, like slapped him away. The time STEBE TRIED TO GET YOU IN TROUBLE WITH FURY FOR NOT READING IMPORTANT FILES BEFORE A MEETING I SAVED YOUR HAIRY ASS


Steve: natasha......

Tony: also ily nat

Nat: get lost

Steve: um also....i never said I don't enjoy y/n memes......

Tony: Nobody asked.

Steve: r u kidding

Y/N: okay okay stop arguing!


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