I did what?

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It was  the next day and I was going to potions with Blaise. 

"Where were you last night? I was waiting for you." Blaise asked a little dissapointed.

"What? Oh shit. I'm so sorry Blaise, I was hold up by Hermoine." I answerd hoping Blaise would belive me.

"Oh really? Why?" He asked me and I had the strange feeling he knew someting.

I just ignored that feeling of mine and played dumb. "She has problems with..." 

Shit all I could think of was Draco. He propably  left earlier this morning because when I woke up he wasn't there. I finally have to say something.

"...Draco" Shit why did I say that?

"Are you sure? Because I am not. I thought I saw her in a hallway with Harry and Ron yesterday. She seemed pretty happy actually." Blaise said calm but but also amused.

Fuck. "Ok, yes. I wasn't with Hermoine. But to be fair, in the beginning she was in my dorm."

"So, who is it?" Blaise asked me.

"What?" I started panicking a little.

"Who's your new best friend?"

"D... Blaise, chill. I don't have a new best friend. Everything is normal." I answerd. 

Blaise looked at me incredulous. He always knows when I'm lying.

"I don't really belive you" he said surprisingly a little sad.

"I promise you I don't have a new bestie" I answered a little sad too.

"Yeah, I know but you don't want to tell me what's up. That makes me kind of sad." he said and I felt sorry for him.

"I'm sorry Blaise. I'm going to tell you everything after classes okay?" I said with my head down because it made me feel bad.

"Okay, I guess I can live with that." Blaise answered happily and I felt a little better.

Of course I didn't want to tell him that Draco fucked me, because he would beat Draco up, so that he couldn't get out of the hospital wing for at least three weeks. But I didn't want to lie to him either. I will have to talk to Draco.

In potions professor Snape got the roommates work together, so I was able to talk to Draco in lessons. Snape scolde me sometimes, but since I'm one of his favourite students, it wasn't too bad.

"Draco..." I started and was very surprised when he interupted me.

"What did I do yesterday?"


"What did I do? I just remember your face, so obviously I was with you."

"Yes you were, but why don't you remember anything?"

"I was drunk and high and stuff"

"Getting drunk on the first day? You must have real big problems."

"Yes I have. But that's none of your buisness. What did I do?"

Should I tell him? He is either getting drunk again because of shame, or he's going to annoy me with it. Well if it's the first option, he may fuck me again. Why am I even thinking such things? Anyways, I don't want to lie to him. No matter what he will do, it will be worse then when he finds out I was lying to him.

"You maybe came to my... our dorm and fucked me?" I kind of asked, unsure how he would react.

In shok he put too much Silverweed in the potion and it just explodet. Snape and everyone else looked at us because it was really loud. But what was even louder was Draco screaming.

"I did what?"

Everyone whispered wondering what Draco did. Snape stayed calm and kicked us out of class.

Draco pulled me to our dorm.


Hi loves <3. I'm back again. Sorry I didn't post anything lately and thank you so much for the support.

Have a great day/night.

Wordcount: 594 words

Pretty girl DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now