Light Weight.

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      Your friends invited you to go to a club, which you gladly accepted to. It's been a while since you were really able to let loose. Carrying your clutch, you walked into your friend's car, filled with your other ones. You were off to the club.

As soon as you made it there you went to the bartender's booth. It's been a very long time since you've had any alcohol, and you thought that just for one night it would be okay. Consequently, your friends come over and begin to tease you about going straight for the bar instead of warming up to the place, maybe dancing a little. You ignored them and paid for your drink.

You started to take sips and have some small talk with the bartender, in which he initiated.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I work for an agency. It's...boring. But I do have my boyfriend working with me, so that definitely lightens the mood," you say.

The bartender nodded his head. "Care for another drink?" You looked down to see your glass empty. You didn't know you finished it so quickly.

"Oh um- yes, please," you say, handing him the empty glass.

You smile as a thank you and begin to drink more. You started to feel a little light-headed. You really haven't been here long, huh? You decided to finish this one up and meet some of your friends on the dance floor.

"Thank you for the drinks," you say, pulling out a tip for the bartender.

With that you walk out to the dance floor, trying to find your friends. Eventually you do, and you start dancing and having an overall good time. You were giggling and you felt like nothing mattered for once. There wasn't any work person front to put up. No papers. No missions. Just tonight.

You barely heard your friends over the blasting music, but you heard one say "Let's go to the bar!" You smiled and they pulled you by your arm, making you yelp. You were dragged back into the seat you were in.

"Well, hello again. Hello ladies. What can I get for you?" the bartender asks. You all give your orders, and it's in front of you in no time.

"Y/N, what number drink is this for you?" one of your friends ask.

"Three..." you trail off, kind of embarrassed.

They snickered. "You are a TOTAL lightweight. Jesus, Dazai is gonna have to carry you back to his car and up to bed."

You look away and take a sip of your drink out of embarrassment. You hated being a lightweight, because that means if you go too far, then the overly-emotional you comes out. It's not pretty. It's tears.

You sighed and sipped again. You had some small talk and shared stories. However, the statements about you being a lightweight were unfortunately forgotten.

Time skip (sorry idk how to progress the story 😰)

Most of your friends left, and the rest are on the dance floor. You felt like crying. You drank too much, and now everything you wanted to avoid or at least not bring up was flooding your brain.

"Something wrong?" the bartender asks.

"I just-" you sniffled. "I just don't feel like I'm good enough for my boyfriend sometimes. He deserves so much and I can't give it to him," you sob, putting your hands in your face.

The bartender looked at you with pity. "Well, he's been with you for this long, right? I'm sure he believes he's being treated right if he's with you." It was obvious he was uncomfortable, yet he was also used to it. You were too intoxicated to notice.

You took a moment. "Yeah, I- I guess that does make sense-" you hiccuped. You calm yourself down and after a minute or two you called Dazai.


"Hi...I was wondering if you could- come pick me up..." you asked.

"You okay? You don't sound too good," he said, avoiding your question.

"I just- had a little too much to drink, that's all. My ride left. Can you come pick me up, please?" uou ask.

"Of course, Belladonna. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

You hang up the phone and tear up again. The bartender tried not to laugh as you put a hand over your mouth.

"He called me Belladonna..." you uttered.

"He- he called me Belladonna..." you said again, louder. Tears begin to fall down your face, and you just wanted him there.

"God dammit, I love him so much my heart hurts," you sobbed.

"Have you ever felt that way? Like if they left there'd be nothing left for you. Like they're your whole world, and your joy. I just- ugh!" You tried to explain frustrated, not being able to tie your words together coherently.

Your friends heard your loud cries and ran over to you, trying to console you about something that didn't really need consoling. It was moreover just a huge rush of emotion that was too much for you to handle.

"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice call. You widened your eyes and sprinted to Dazai's figure, hugging him like he was the last thing you had.

"What happened?" he asked teasingly. He knew how you were when you got drunk.

"I just- I love you so much!" You sobbed into his chest, inhaling his familiar and comforting scent. He hugged you back with a smile on his face, and gives your friends and the bartender a look that says thanks, and sorry.

You refused to let go of Dazai, so he was stuck picking you up and putting you in the passenger seat of his car. You two drove peacefully, admiring the night sky. You smiled when you saw your home appearing in the distance, and as soon as you were able to you left the car, practically bolting to your bedroom. Crying and dancing is tiring.

Dazai laughed at your desperation, and helped you get ready for bed. Once he got himself ready too, he tucked himself in beside you, and you snuggled up to his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Your breathing became steady, and it was apparent you were asleep.

Dazai sighed in contentment. He hugged you closer, and started to feel tired himself.

"I love you, Y/N. Don't forget it." He whispered into your ear, falling into a deep slumber.

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