Chapter 6

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The museum is packed with hundreds of people of different ages. From what her honey-haired friend said, the majority of the visitors must be rich families full of arrogance. Their outfits were giving it all away. You were never the person to judge someone by their looks. You were always working with your vibe check, something which only seemed to strengthen after the accident. You might not be able to see them anymore, but the colors that appear to symbolize their aura make you realize their personality from afar.

Right now, you and Namjoon are at the end of the exhibition. The bad thing about the whole project was that since the sculptures came some days ago to the museum, they didn't have time to make copies and you couldn't touch them. Of course, you had Namjoon beside you explaining as many as he could but it wasn't the same. Your hands are your eyes now and you need to touch and trace their bodies.

"I'm leaving you at the entrance of the new exhibition. I'll go to the bathroom real quick but when I come back we can go to the ones you can touch." Namjoon informed you before leaving you in the corner of the room so as not to disturb anyone else and going to the pee-pee room as you two call it. "Sure, take your time." He gave you a soft peck on your head and left. Today you didn't bring your cane with you nor were you wearing your glasses. It would cause unnecessary attention, something unpleasant to you.

You were standing in your place quietly when out of nowhere you felt a small figure hitting you and pushing you backward. You guessed it must probably be a young kid running around the building. Thankfully you didn't hurt somewhere but your back landed in a protrusion realizing that you weren't touching a wall but an exhibit. You slowly turned around and started touching it. Your fingers were shaking and your mouth and eyes were wide open. "It is so beautiful," you said to yourself. Every little detail was under the tips of your long slender fingers. Your delicate movements caught the attention of the well-known figure.

His body was leaning against the wall. His one leg slightly touching the wall, leaning on it, making his other leg the only thing supporting this weight. His tongue licked his upper lip while his lower was caught between his white as-snow teeth. The way you were touching his new sculptures, tracing, stroking, and caressing parts of their bodies that are private to the whole world woke something in him. 

When your tender hand reached the sculpture's sex you stopped. A smirk slowly but steadily formed on the man's face and his eyebrow raised waiting in anticipation for your next move. When you started rubbing and powdering the penis of the sculpture, the raven lost it.

With a fast pace, he went to the corner of the room you were standing and grabbed your small wrist stopping your movements. "Stop that!" The same intimidating voice pierced your small voice and you froze on your spot. Your stomach filled with butterflies and cold sweat was formed on your forehead. The beating of your heart could be heard in your ears and your face took the darkest shade of red. Your orbs dilated and stopped moving once your stare fell to the floor. You were hoping inside you not to remember you. One whole week has passed and that day you were wearing glasses and had your cane with you. Now you were just a normal girl visiting the museum with no disability and you wanted to stay that way.

"Don't you know that these sculptures aren't allowed to be touched? There is a whole room for that!" The man husked into your ear not leaving a moment your wrist from his big grip. "I'm s-so sorry sir. I-I...I didn't realize that." You whispered but it was audible enough for him to listen. Your stare never once lifted to supposedly look at him like any normal person would do. But you knew very well that you wouldn't be able to maintain eye contact once that was to happen and he would realize something was wrong. You surely didn't want that. At that moment you were just hoping for Namjoon to get back from the restroom.

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