Chapter 17

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"Hey mate...You didn't come that early today huh? I saw you parking your car not long ago. Did you enjoy our walk that much? Jin enters my office, interrupting me and my so important work. Either way, he doesn't care about any of that, and since I know my only best friend so well, I quit what I'm doing and drift all my attention to him.

"You, on the other hand, didn't mind showing up a little earlier than usual and yeah, I guess it was okay," I tell him and sit more comfortably while he sits in front of me and crosses his legs.

"Okay, seriously, who are you and what have you done to my friend? The Jeon Jungkook I know would curse at me for interrupting his work let alone consider our walk 'okay'!" He asked defensively and arched his left eyebrow, questioning my whole existence with his stare.

I clear my throat and answer his irritating ass. "I just said okay, no big deal Jin..."

"Don't act like that mate. We both know how big of a deal your okay was. You utter these kind of words a specific amount of times throughout the year. And I know you a lot to know that you haven't said them more than 5 times. Don't try to get off this because the greatest word I've heard you saying all these years of our friendship is good. Also, let me remind you that you used that word to make your one-night stand more explicit, describing it as a 'good fuck' were your exact words. So yes, it is a big deal." He exaggerates and sighs.

"I guess I just needed a walk and that's why I found it good, but if you seriously keep nagging me about it, I'll take back what I said, so drop it." I dropped my voice an octave to sound sterner.

"Yeah, yeah...You will kill me with the effect you put on your compliments. I can't handle the amount of sweetness and kindness, it's too much for me. It wouldn't make a difference even if you took it back..." He whispers the last part but I hear his words and scoff at the irony.

"You are so irritating at times, I swear. And If you want to say anything about me, make sure not to whisper it next time in front of my face. I don't recommend it, buddy. My hearing is on another level and so is my ability to read lips"

I move my chair back and rose from my seat to exit my office and my frustrating friend who I still doubt why I haven't fired yet.

"Hey! Where are you going, Kook? He yells at me when he notices that I pass over him. "Away from you, shithead." Before I let him speak more, I get out of my office and ready to enter another nerve-wracking situation.


Without knocking on the door since it's already wide open, I enter the room and come across a full of supplies desk which will be used for the creation of the upcoming exhibition, and a brown and dark blue Lily, sitting and doing her work with music on while moving her head up and down to the music's beat I suppose.

I smile and the sight in front of me, staring at Miele being in her world. For some reason, since we first met, it's the first time I don't want to disturb that quiet and peaceful aura around us. Not that I thought it would ever exist between us. Every time we meet, the whole room gets hot, the aura intense and her...anything but calm. I'm not quite sure if the physical exhaustion I have from the exhibition caused me to just stay put in my seat and watch her features change every time the song hits the beat. Her delicate hands are moving at a slow pace like the first time I caught her touching my sculptures. Only this time is different. This time the same movement doesn't make me feel weird sensations or stimulating parts of my body. Rather this time, it's like I can feel her hands on me, massaging me, caressing me instead of the sculpture in front of her. It's like I'm the one in front of her being under this much attention. I wish it was me because my whole body got goosebumps just by watching her.

I can't even imagine how it will feel to be held by her, her whole attention on me and only me. At this moment, I wish I was that stupid sculpture. I wish I was the one being touched by those delicate hands that trace every part of the sculpture in front of her.

My mind runs a thousand miles per second only by the thought of those hands on me. Ordering her around where and what to touch. I want her touch on me. No, need her touch on me. And I always get what I want.

Jeon Jungkook always gets what he wants and right now, I want Lily Whitelock.

A devilish smirk creeps at my mouth at the thought that just crossed my mind. She can switch my mood so fucking easily. "Shit." I whisper.

With slow and unnoticed steps I connect my phone to the speakers this room owns and I thank Jin for insisting on getting them to give more 'inspiration' while working. To make the workers work fervently and be more revved up. And I think that's exactly what Miss Whitelock needs right now. She needs someone to teach her the ropes...the ropes of how I want my work done.

When the song I wanted, started playing Lily flinches back. I snigger and look at the song 'Slow Down' for the last time before locking the phone and continue going closer to Lily. What I wasn't prepared at all to witness, happened right in front of my eyes. Instead of wondering where the new music came from, Lily takes a deep breath and focuses on the lyrics. With her eyes closed she starts shaping the form in front of her in a way that causes a pulse to travel through my body, to places that haven't been touched in a while.

It starts becoming acutely difficult for me to resist the sight in front of me. Just like the first time in the museum. She drives me nuts with her movements. She lets free and acts erratically with every upcoming move. I quiver. For the first time, I quiver. I quiver so much that every hair on my body lifts in an instant.

"Fuck" I murmur to myself because it is indeed fucked up. I don't know why this shit got me turned on right now, but what I do know is that I need to release all this tension. "You don't know what you are doing to me, Miele..." I whisper to her ear and make sure to touch a part of it with my lips. She looked agitated by my actions and words because she squizzes her hands too hard and jumps a little. "Mr. Jeon...I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I mean...yeah." She takes deep breaths to try to calm herself down. Little does she know I'm here to do the exact opposite.

"That's alright Miele. No need to be scared." I reply to her words. "Can I help you with something, did I maybe do something wrong or do you want me to make any changes? Just let me know and I can fix it." She tells me urgently as if she is scared I will scold her. Did I make her be like that?

"No, nothing like that. Don't worry or torture your little brain with these thoughts." I lean forward again and make sure my hot breath hits the side of her face. We both face the sculpture. Our faces are some millimeters away but even that proximity will soon vanish in thin air. I'll make sure of it.

"In fact, Miss Whitelock, there might be something you can help me with."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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