The war done of immortals

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I as running after Zurianna, and I saw a building label immortals. I went to peak inside and saw lot of men and woman fighting each other with guns, clubs, shock collars and anything you could image.
"ARMINA!" Yelled a voice in the corner.
"She's not here. She's looking at the The Warzone of Immortals." Yelled another voice.
"Ohh we could fight there, and I have an idea. " I then saw Zurianna creep behind me and grab me by the waist.
"OMG!!! It's Zurianna! I missed you so much!!" I squealed in excitement.
"Not here. You know you can die if you want to fight there." Said Zurianna as she pulled me closer and kissed me on the check.
"Ohh really it seems fun." I'm always up for fun.
"Wait YOU like to fight?" Asked Zurianna in surprise, as if she didn't see me reck in a boys head for fun.
"Who doesn't?, and also , how do I become immortal so I can fight?" I asked because why not I'd seen fun.
"So you want to fight someone?" "I didn't think you were the type for that." My heart weak and was about to stop when she grabbed me and picked me up. 
"I knew you liked me, but you don't say anything why?"  [umM hOw dId sHe know.]
"I do like you, but I'm still not sure yet. It could be a phase."
"Also, put me down. I have wings for a reason."
"Okay." She took me to the said "Place to become immortal" and I saw millions of people in that place running beach and forth.  She told about how to do it, and a smile crept across my face.

"To become immortal, you need to cut off your human heart, and replace it with a immortal heart. After that, you need to get a partner with you to help. It's not needed, but there's a lot of screaming."
I knew this was for me so I dragged Zurianna and her friends behind her were teasing her.
"Hey get us out of here. Zurianna."
"Why? I want to see her suffer." Said Zurianna, and she smiled as she said it.
"Well fine."
She slapped me on my heart and it shattered and said,
"Enjoy that until you get a new one. I helped you with the first process of it."
I was so hyped about this,  that I forgot my heart was shattered and jumped, and it stung, but her friends were watching and I was not gonna cry.
Crying is for the weak.

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