18 10 14

The time has come for us to complete this mission

"Wait is there any gun or something that I can use " faatee marh asked

"No sorry but they said they couldn't give us a gun we haven't gotten to that level yet" shady skyes said

"I think that will be around the 3rd level or so" angelicmx said

"Then what will they give us if we win this first mission?"inkscent asked

"I don't really know they haven't said anything yet niether did they tell us the punishment we will be given if we don't complete the mission on time" shady skyes said

Everyone was jus feeling frustrated one way or the other we have to find a way or a weapon to eventually use

"The three of you can go ahead we will settle the rest" faatee marh said

Inkscent, angelicmx and Toxic1diots all left

It was just me ,shady skyes, faatee marh,ily Ari grande,crash,the2 creator and minimoxx that was left

I and minimoxx went to the back of the building and stood there waiting till it was time for us to enter

Crash went her own way to figure out how to clear the coast

Shady skyes and Ily Ari grande hid behind some container or so

*Faatee marh pov*

It was only me and The2 creator that was left out

We didn't have some sort of weapon but I was with a pocket knife which won't be that helpful

"I have an idea" The2 creator said with a serious face I'm sure it must be good


"Why don't we make some weapon uhmm maybe with woods and strings" this actually sounds like a good idea

" Alright then I'll gather the woods you just sit right here and wait till I get back" I ordered her and left without letting her say a word

I went further into the bushes to gather lots of wood and fresh leaves I'm sure she'll be able to make something out of it

Oh there's some ply wood here,that will also work

I saw some metal on the floor as well ,
Some were broken while some were badly shaped I gathered it all and went back to meet her

"Here it is " I dropped everything on the floor beside a big wood where she can sit and work

"This will do" she smirked

"Since you're a creator can we make bow and arrow" she looked at me in a confuse way, I think she has better ideas"or????????"

"It's actually cool I'll shape it and fix it for the bow,then I'll use the metal for the arrows and make it tiny ,that way it will be able to travel a long way" that's actually a good idea

We both started working on it and I helped her with some couple of stuffs which I knew I could do

(Back to Toxic1diots, inkscent and angelicmx)

*Author's pov*

The three beautiful ladies made their way inside The office , angelicmx was taking the lead while inkscent and Toxic1diots were by her side

"Stop" some security man holding a mini gun stopped them

"Good day sir ,I'm miss angelicmx" she brought out her hand for a hand shake

"Are we suppose to be saying our real name" Toxic1diots whispered

Angelicmx nodded and face the security man who was standing right in front of her

Dre_Andrew The Mafia bossWhere stories live. Discover now