10(part 2)

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My morning alarm is my worst enemy

*Bang bang*
Who the heck is banging my door this early morning

"Who's there" I yelled

"It's me crash there's a ghost in my room" what the heck is wrong with this girl

I stood up from my comfortable bed and went to open the door for her
She was holding her pillow and her blanket

"Crash it's 7 , we're supposed to be up" I reminded her

"Yeah ,I know I want to skip training today"she said in her sleepy voice

"Then what should I tell them if they ask of you?"

"Just tell them I tried to escape, they'll probably go looking for me that way I'll be able to sleep more" she said it like it was easy

"All because of sleep?"

"Yeah" she boldy said and layed down on the floor beside my bed, covering herself

I got into the shower

I came out and she was still sleeping wow crash don't really joke with her sleep

Then I remembered I have to go out for dinner with Dre and I also have to give him my answer


"Who's there"I shouted

*No answer* another knock

"Who's there" I shouted again

*Still no answer*


At this point I got frustrated I went to open the door

Guess what? It was Dre,toxic and faatee marh they were trying to run but thank goodness I opened the door on time

"They dragged me into this" Dre said before letting me say anything

From the look on toxic and faatee marh face it looks Asif he actually dragged them into this

"Where's angelicmx?"I asked

"Ohhh she took a break because she's sick at the moment,so they allowed her to go home for some time" faatee marh answer

They actually allowed her to go home because she was sick
Which means if I can fake a sickness I'll be able to go home and see my brother

But what about dre? His brother is coming to stay here and he just asked me out if I should leave without giving him a reply I'm not sure he'll be interested anymore

"Uhmm Dre" I called him

"Yes" he has this smile on his face

"Can you convince your brother to let me see my brother" I asked

"Ohh the brother talk"toxic murmured but it was loud enough for us to hear her

"And what made you think I can do that?" He sounded like he didn't want to help

"Uhrr because your brother is a mafia boss and he has a high level here"faatee marh interrupted

I think she also noticed he also didn't want to help

"Are you guys talking about Dre Andrew?" Crash asked half asleep this girl is insane

"No" toxic shouted

"Well I'm not promising you tho but I can try" and he turned and left after giving me a cold reply

For some Reason he doesn't like when I talk about his brother
TBH his bro is actually cute a cute handsome Italian mafia

Dre_Andrew The Mafia bossWhere stories live. Discover now