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We got moving

To be sincere we didn't even know where we were heading to

"Where are we heading to?"shady asked

"Just about to asked that"I said beneath my breath

"To the airport"

"What" I said

"Yeah because we need to go to Italy we might find Dre and Andrew there" he said

"No no no ......" Toxic said
We didn't even have our passports

"We don't have passports"I said

"Then we go the illegal way" he said

"Which is?" Shady asked

"Before talking about going the illegal way,I don't think we will make it to the airport"faatee said from behind

"Why?" Luka asked

"Cause we're being followed" she said and we all looked back

(Alright I'm here to say I'll be releasing a new story soon and it is called "WITHOUT MY PERMISSION" it will be a very interesting and funny story ,you can trust me on that)

Only for us to realize a black car was following us

"Is there any way we could make the care lose us" toxic asked panicking

"We aren't memory why will they lose us?" Gosh does he really have to be annoying at this moment

" Head straight,and bend left,get your things ready we will run on foot" faatee ordered

She has gone through stuff like this so I trust her

"Are you a mafia?" Luka asked her

"No but you are,you're supposed to know that's how mafia escapes" she said

"Yeah don't feel too proud" he blurted out

Good thing faatee isn't like toxic if not she would have fought back

He drove straight and bent left then stopped the car by the side

We all came down with our belongings and started running in the woods

"Will they catch us?" Toxic asked

"Yes they will if you don't shut up" Luka replied

Does this two really have to fight always
Like don't they get tired

We were running in between the woods till we finally saw an old woman who was carrying some stuffs

I think she was going to her car

"Hey look" toxic pointed at the old woman "maybe she can help us"

"Are you crazy ,we can't just walk up to her and ask her for help, she'll question us and before we answer all of her questions we would have been caught" Luka was already pissed off

"Guys come up with something" shady suggested
She was now disturbed

"Mom" toxic shouted and went to meet the woman

Wtf is she up to

"Mom I missed you" she hugged the old woman and help her carry her stuff

"Mom?is she sick" Luka complained

"Let's play along" faatee said

She went to meet them "mom ,it's been long" now faatee is hugging her

What is wrong with them

Dre_Andrew The Mafia bossWhere stories live. Discover now