7 5 1

"let's all go back to our rooms" I said
We all went back to our rooms, lieing down starring at the ceiling, nothing seems right here I'm not even sure if this is a mafia school or some sort of illegal place

*Gasps* I couldn't think straight everything doesn't just seems right, nothing is right everything is wrong , everything is seriously wrong

I'm in my feelings and unfortunately I'm now depressed I just want to save everyone I don't know what they plan on doing to 3 of our members and the rest of the groups who are in the dungeon but everything is just wrong literally wrong

"Run" a small tiny voice whispered but it was loud enough for all of us to hear

We gathered at the living room, standing and looking confused like some lost souls

"You heard that voice right" Toxic1diots asked clearly knowing we all heard it

"Run" we heard it again it was lower this time "I said run" the voice shouted causing chaos and making things to fall unnecessarily

We all ran out of our apartment and spilt in twos .... everywhere was dark,we didn't know where we were going or where we were heading to but we kept on running, running far away from the voice

"Stop" we heard another different voice

Things are starting to get complicated here
We all stopped and the light came on only for me to realize I've been running with Toxic1diots all along

"What just happened" she snapped at me

"I don't know" that was the only response I could give

"Guys" I shouted but no reply "guys" I shouted a little bit louder but still got no reply
I'm now frustrated

"Dre" Toxic1diots called my name....she was looking furious

"What" I answered in frustration

"Look up" she said pointing up

There was a big sign board that says

The 48hrs countdown has just began

You're group it two's in this puzzle mystery
Solve it fast and leave if you don't want to be part of the history

In my entire life I haven't come along a riddle that is as stupid as this

"If you think it's stupid Dre then find your way out if you can" a male voice said

"Ho-how did you know what I said In my mind?" I was totally confused

" You all have been laced with a powerful powder ,so whatever you're thinking you'll say it out without realizing" I'm starting to freak out now

"Are we in some kind of horror movie or what or did we tell you we're planning to join some secert cult....what is this nonsense" I'm totally tired of all this shit

" Dre calm down" Toxic1diots tried calming me down but nothing seems right here
Everything is weird something is definitely wrong

"Stand in the right box in front of you ,and wait there until you're asked to get down" the voice said again

This time I didn't have time to argue so I stood in the white box along with Toxic1diots and we started moving

Like we're moving.....this place is hell
"Dre" Toxic1diots held on to me

The lights went off and we began to move faster I couldn't help but pray.....it finally stopped and the light came back on

Dre_Andrew The Mafia bossWhere stories live. Discover now