Note #14

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"Please, be careful with it. It's all I have left" she whispered as She reluctantly handed it over. It had been beaten and worn down, the colour was faded and replaced by a pattern of cracks and scars. Tape was hanging from all sides, desperately trying to keep it all into place, pieces were missing. Big pieces, small pieces, even the tiny little flakes that you would think don't matter.  The spark that once raged inside it was barely a glimmer anymore, all it would take was one more, tiny little drop and it would turn to dust instantly.

"I'm going to fix this for you, I promise" he whispered, a pained expression in his eyes as she placed it into his hands. He cradled it like he'd never seen anything as precious and fragile before, scared to even breathe on it, in fear of it falling apart. 'How could anyone do this?' He thought to himself. 'How could anyone break something so precious?' He began to slowly kiss all of the cracks that were painted on it, carefully removed all the tape and held it together in place. He couldn't find the missing pieces, he didn't want to find the missing pieces, he wanted to make something new out of it, something so pure that would leave people in awe. He took the remains of his own and carefully fitted them into the gaps. It was like it was meant to be, every piece he had left over seemed to fit perfectly in every gap of hers. The colour seemed to shine brighter than it ever had before, it came back slowly and then suddenly all at once. The little glimmer that was once a spark was now a raging fire, full of warmth and comfort, daring to burn anyone who tried to harm it again. It wasn't anything like her old one, this one was better because this one was just as much his as it was hers.

"There, I fixed it" he whispered as he handed back her once battered and broken heart.

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