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It was a bright, sunny morning and Ao-ki assembled Trek, Riff, Ikor and Eron just outside the One Tower "Good Morning Heralds." she greeted. They all just groaned.

"Wanna tell us why you made us wake up so early without so much as letting us have a sloggu before coming outside?" yawned Trek, rubbing his eyes.

"Ooh-ooh! Are we having an early morning training session? Are we learning summin' new today?" piped Riff, fully awake already.

"Are we journeying somewhere today? Perhaps you've found a new source of magical energy?" suggested Ikor, coolly.

"Have you Ao-ki? ooh or maybe you have a different surprise for us. Do ya, do ya? Come on tell us!" yelled Eron, bursting with enough energy to rival Riff.

Ao-ki smiled and said "Riff and Eron, you're partly right. You are gonna learn something new today and I do kinda have a surprise for you all"

They all tried to guess the surprise
"Is it a tower of sloggus?"
"An upgrade to our bracers?"
"You're adding a library to the One Tower"
"We're gonna have a party?"

"No, no. no and sure why not Eron" Ao-ki answered, still beaming, "The surprise is well..."

"Well?" the four asked in unison

"Well, even though I'm a highly trained guardian who was sent to train you Heralds, I feel that I'm still limited in knowledge. I know all there is to know about Rock and Fire, but I know there's still a lot to learn about Wind and Ice so..." 

"Don't tell us you're gonna stop being our teacher!" said Trek
"No, don't do Ao-ki!" Riff begged

Ao-ki chuckled "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. I just asked for a bit of help that's all. A little more help in teaching you."

Just then, the One Tower chimed twice "Oh! And here help comes" Ao-ki said, looking extremely excited. 

Suddenly, three white balls appeared and formed a circle that created a portal like the ones the darkans use, except this one was made from pure light.

From the portal stepped out someone who was so drowned out by the light from it that no one could see them at first. Then the portal disappeared and everyone saw the person. It was a girl!

She looked completely identical to Ao-ki from her complexion to her eye color and hair color. The only difference was that this girl had longer hair that went all the way down to her waist, she was 4 inches sh and her outfit was different from Ao-ki's. She wore a short, mid-thigh length, white dress that faded into gold at the bottom.

She smiled and walked over to Ao-ki and they hugged eachother "Oh I missed you so much" said Ao-ki, hugging the girl tighter "I missed you too Ao, but I kinda need to breathe now" replied the girl and a calm, soft, sweet, gentle voice

They ended the hug and Ao-ki faced the guys again. The two girls stood beside eachother and Eron kept shifting his gaze from Ao-ki to the girl and back. 

"Guys I'd like you to meet my little sister Alu. Well we're twins but I'm older. Alu this is Trek, Riff, Ikor and Eron " Ao-ki said, smiling.

"Hi" said the Heralds in unison and Alu gave a shy wave
"Ooh you two really do look like twins, like if Ao-ki wore a dress and let her hair grow longer, I wouldn't be able to tell you two apart" quipped Eron, excitedly

"I'm taller" Ao-ki sated. Alu was only 4 inches shorter than Ao-ki, Eron was two inches shorter  than Ao-ki . As Eron realized this, him being the shortest of the group all this while, he rejoiced "Yes! Finally, someone shorter than me! Hello down there" he towered over Alu and waved at her.

Alu suddenly had a terrified look in her eyes and she quickly shifted and stood behind Ao-ki as if trying to hide "It's okay Lu, don't be shy" Ao-ki told her in a comforting voice

"Uh-oh, did I scare her?" Eron asked, playfully confused "Don't mind him Alu" quipped Ikor "It's a pleasure to meet you" Alu nodded slightly in reply, still standing behind Ao-ki

"Alu is here, as I mentioned before, to help in training you. As I said I'm skilled enough in Rock and Fire teaching, well Alu is a master at Wind and Ice. There's nothing about the two elements that she doesn't know" explained Ao-ki. 

Alu's face flushed pink in embarrassment "I don't know everything Ao" she said but she had a glint of pride in her eyes. "Sure, okay so Trek, Riff, you're with me. Ikor and Eron, you're with Alu. Have fun!" Ao-ki said as they all headed back into the tower to start training. 


Hi guys! So like this is my first fanfic and I myself am really enjoying the story so far in my head (cause I haven't typed it out yet) and I hope ya'll enjoy it too!

Word count [806]

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