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Less than an hour later, Eron and Ikor were on their knees, sweating and gasping for air while Alu stood in front of them, barely even looking slightly tired. "Are you okay?" she asked as she saw the state they were in. 

"We're.... perfect," panted Ikor. "Just.... peachy," gasped Eron. The girl started to panic, "Oh no, I knew the spell was too hard! Now I've worn you both out and you can't train anymore. What if the tower's attacked and you have to fight? You won't be able to because you're tired and  that'll be because of me!! What if you get hurt? Or worse! What if you...."

She was cut off by and arm on her shoulder. It was Eron. She was so busy overthinking that she didn't even realize that they'd both gotten up and were  now standing in front of her. "We're fine Alu," Ikor assured her. "Yeah, don't underestimate us," Eron added. 

"Sorry for underestimating you!" she then apologized once more and started bowing again. "We didn't mean...." the iceie just sighed. "Let's get back to training, shall we." Eron grinned. Alu soon smiled back, "Yeah."

And with that, soon they had the entire spell mastered and could use it easily. "Great job you two!" the girl praised. "The spell is so cool!" Eron cheered, "I can't wait to use it on the bad guys butts!!" Alu giggled at his little comment, "Well, technically you use it to kick the bad guys butts." "Yeah! That's what I meant!" 

Ikor could only roll his eyes at the two who started a whole conversation on enemies and butts. That was until Riff came bursting in through the door and and everyone froze to look at him. "Hey you guys!!" he called. "Who wants to spar!? Come on! It'll be fun!! We can tag team. When one of us gets tired we switch. How about it?" he suggested eagerly. 

"I'm in!" Eron piped. "Wanna tag team with me Alu?" he then asked. The girl was taken off-guard by the question, "I-I uh...." she didn't know how to respond. Riff snickered, "You really think Alu would be up to it? I mean she did that crazy spell yesterday but that was just luck. I doubt she can actually fight." 

Ao-ki, who was standing in the background, winced at the remark. She knew her sister could get a little competitive. Even with her shy appearance and insecure personality, Alu was a monster when she was fired up. "Um, might wanna think twice about what you say Riff," Ao-ki simply grinned. 

"Why? It's not like I said anything wrong," the fireie countered. A tiny vein popped in Alu's forehead as she continued to listen to his snickers and laughs. "Sure." she said over him. Riff stopped laughing mid way to look at her. "What?" "I said okay." a quirky grin made its way to the once shy girl's face. "I'd love to partner up with you Eron." 

"Well then I guess I'm with....." Ikor seethed the name though his teeth. "Riff." "I'm up first." the fireie announced, "And I'm going against Alu." "Fine with me." Alu replied stepping forward. "You go Lu!" Ao-ki cheered. "Yeah! You've got this!" Eron echoed. "Give it your best!" Ikor added. "Hey! Why isn't anyone cheering for me!?" Riff huffed.

"Go Riff too... I guess." "Yeah, you're the best." "I honestly don't care if you give it your best."  Ao-ki, Eron and Ikor then said, halfheartedly. "On my count," Ao-ki announced. "Three,two, one, fight!" 

And with that, Riff took a swing at Alu, she immediately dodged it and grabbed his hand then flipped him over her. He got up and smirked, "Beginner's luck." He lunged at he again. And again...... And again. All the while, Alu just dodged. Until finally, when she knew the boy was drained, she grabbed him, jabbed her knee into his gut, flipped him over once more and finally pinned him on the ground with her on top of him. 

"Point, Alu." Ao-ki calmly announced. "What was that about me not being able to fight, Riff?" Alu smirked. Riff grimaced, "Right, you can fight. Can you maybe get off me now?" Realizing the state they were in, the girl immediately jumped off him and bowed several times, "Sorry, I'm really sorry!  I didn't mean too... I mean I meant to but I didn't....." she started to panic. 

Ao-ki just sighed. "He's not upset with you Lu." "Yeah. Why would I be? It was a fair match after all," Riff added. "Even though it was just beginners luck." "R-right. Sorry for misunderstanding," Alu took one last bow before Eron jumped in front of her, "That was so cool Alu!" he praised, "You've gotta teach me how to do that!!" 

Alu gave a weak smile, "Sure! All you have to do is....." she trailed off as she could feel her sister's gaze on her from behind. She then just laughed nervously, "Maybe another day, if you're up to it of coarse." she added. "I mean if you'd only want to learn today and any other day you wouldn't then that's totally fine but if you....." "He understands, Lu." Ao-ki face palmed. "You're babbling because you're tired, come on. All of you deserve a break," she grinned at the Heralds.

"Yeah! A break!" Eron cheered. "I could use one." Riff added. "I guess a short one would be okay," Ikor agreed and they all left the training room. 


Hi hi!!<3

So I'm not dead. I'm so so sorry for not updating in like forever! Its just that I've been so caught up with school and during the christmas holiday and I had so many events to attend and on top of that I have 5 other stories I've been working on. I apologize for being such a crappy author but I promise I'M TRYING!!!!

Anyway, Chapter 4 is now out and I should have 5 done before the week is over. But sadly, after that I have to go back to Boarding School!!! .........yeh 😐 Life is Great😐............Yeah so that's all I have to say for now. Happy New Year!!<3

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and don't forget to be the light that always brightens up someone's day!!<3


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