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After Eron and Alu had gotten ready in their separate rooms, they met again in the training room with Ikor. "Good morning," he greeted the two.

"Ikoko! My man!" Eron beamed and tackled him in a hug.

'"Good morning Ikor," Alu simply smiled at him.

The two heralds had since grown accustomed to Alu. Even though she had a habit of talking herself down, which neither approved of, they still enjoyed being around her. She was interesting when she wasn't being shy or scared.

"So teach!" Eron exclaimed, taking his place beside the Ice Herald. "What're we learning today?"

Just then, Alu smirked. "Actually, I though maybe we could do something different today. Apart from training, I mean." she ended and waited for their reaction. Her two students simply gave her quizzed looks and she panicked. "Uh-Unless you'd rather just train. That's totally fine with me as well.

I don't wanna force you into doing something you don't want. I just though maybe it could be a nice change of pace. But if you don't want to..."

"Alu!!" Eron yelled and snapped her out of her rambling spell. The two had been trying to calm her down since she started talking but she wasn't listening. When she finally shut up, the heralds laughed.

"Relax," Ikor was the first to speak. "We have no problem with shaking things up a bit."

"Yeah!" Eron echoed. "Having a change of pace if fun!"

"Oh..." Alu eventually smiled with them. "Well, okay then! Follow me!"

~Teeny Time Skip

"Woah!" Eron and Ikor exclaimed in unison.

"Welcome to my very own escape. This is where I come to run away from the world," Alu welcomed them with open arms to...

 This is where I come to run away from the world," Alu welcomed them with open arms to

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She smiled at their awestruck expressions. "The only other person who know about this place is Ao-Ki. And she know me well enough to not come here because I only come here when I want to be alone."

"You brought us to your own personal space?" Ikor asked, still quite in awe. "It's an honor, but why?"

Alu took a moment to think of an answer. While she did, her gaze landed on the Wind Herald and suddenly her cheeks flushed pink as she remembered. "N-no reason at all. I just thought maybe it would do you two some good to get away from training for a while." she said and smiled shyly.

"Beautiful." Eron spoke but it wasn't quite the place he was talking about. Rather, someone in the area.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to be here Alu?" Ikor asked. "It feels like we're invading your personal space."

"I really don't mind," Alu piped. "If you like it here we can stay for the day. Train, unwind. Whatever you want. Just don't tell Ao."

Alu was speaking to the both of them but her eyes were fixed on the Wind Herald. "I really don't mind."

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