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"So tell me, Alu," Eron spoke as they were watching clouds. "What's it like, being a Guardian? Not having a specific tribe?"

"Umm..." the girl looked for words. "Normal, I guess. I mean that's how I grew up so I didn't really see anything different or strange about it." She looked at Eron. "Why? Do you think it's strange?"

"No, of course not!" Eron exclaimed. "I was just asking! Y'know, when you're just curious you ask random things!" Alu giggled at his flustered state.

"You know, you're really cute when you're flustered," she said subconsciously.

"I am not!" Eron pouted, earning another laugh out of her. "I am not cute! You're the cute one!" he yelled in defense. The girl froze, looking at him like she'd seen a ghost! Then right after she looked at the ground, trying to hide the pink that painted her cheeks.

"Uh... Uh. Thank you.... I think," she mumbled. "I mean.... I appreciate the compliment. Yeah."

The Windie have an exaggerated gasp. "Is Alu being shy right now!!" he gasped. "This is soo out of the ordinary!!"

Alu punched his arm. "Meanie!" she whine.

"Oh my goodness!" Eron yelled and jumped up. "Alu just hit me!! Someone call the authorities! Help!"

"Get back here!" Alu yelled after him and the two started running after each other. It became a childish game of tag except Alu was only trying to catch Eron and not the other way around. In the heat of it all, the girl had an idea. She purposely ran really close to the edge of the lake and seemingly tripped.

"Ahh! Eron, help!!" she cried as she went falling. 

"Alu!" Eron ran and grabbed her hand just in time. He'd saved her. At least, that's what he thought. But before he could even process what was happening, next thing he knew he was the one falling face first into the freezing cold water!

He landed with a loud splash that drowned out the loud giggles coming from Alu. Her plan worked! The girl had lightning fast reflexes. So it wasn't difficult for her to make it seem like she was going to fall and then make Eron fall in less than a second.

"Alu!! What was that for!?" Eron exclaimed. Alu only laughed harder. The sight of Eron pouting while his wet hair covered half his face, she just couldn't. "Alu!!" he cried.

"Okay, okay... Just," Alu finally spoke, heaving from all the laughter. "Sorry, sorry!" she gasped and held out her hand. "Here, lemme help you."

"Thank you," Eron replied and took her hand with ulterior motives. The second he grabbed Alu's hand, he pulled her forward, hoping for he to fall into the lake with him. But unfortunately for him, she saw through his trick and flipped over him, landing on a rock that was in the middle of the lake, still leaving her dry. In the process, Eron was just plunged into the water again.

"Again!!" the Windie cried. Alu was laughing again. Dying actually. She was on her knees wheezing with laughter, tears in her eyes and her laughing so hard she couldn't breath anymore. All the while, Eron just watched her. He should've been upset that she bested him twice in a row, but he couldn't find it in his heart to feel anything but happiness around her.

The girl was still dying from laughter. That was when he took his chance. Using all his strength, he leapt onto her and they both slid off the rock and into the water once more. Now Alu was drenched as well. She glared at the Wind Herald as he also laughed lightly at her. "I gotcha!" he rejoiced.

Alu tried to run away but her wrist was grabbed by Eron. "No way! You'll stay in here for as long as I did! It's only fair!" he said. Alu looked at him, confused.

"But, you're still in here?"

"Yeah? And?"

"Won't that add to my time? If you stay in here with me I'll never stay for the same amount of time as you."


Eron thought for a long, hard moment. "Oooh! Well then I guess none of us are moving, are we?" he smirked. Alu blushed as his smile and looked away.

"I... I guess."

The two stayed like that for several minutes. Just floating in the freezing cold water, staying close to each other. They drew closer and closer. And closer still. Until finally when it seemed like the gap between them was about to close...

"Hey, lovebirds! Are you trying to get yourselves sick!?"

They were snapped out of their trance by Ikor yelling at them. Embarrassed, the both pushed away from each other, their faces bright red, and yelled back in defense. "We are not lovebirds!!"

Ao-ki was right behind him. She would've been smirking had she not been worried. "Alu! Get out of there! You're gonna catch a cold, that water is freezing!" she called worriedly. 

"I'm fine, Ao," Alu replied quickly but listened to her sister and crawled out of the once serene lake. She took Eron's hand and helped him out as well. Once the two were out, a soft breeze blew at them, causing the girl to shiver violently, while Eron seemed unaffected. 

"Look at you!" the older twin exclaimed. "You're shivering, you poor thing."

"I'm alright, Ao," Alu assured her again but then sneezed. When she gave her a worried look, she only smiled. "Pollen. It's pollen from the flowers."

"It's obvious you're freezing." Ao-Ki wasn't convinced. Just then, she and Ikor shared a look for half a millisecond. Ikor understood the assignment ans sighed but listened anyway.

He went up to the child with a warm smile. "You really will catch a cold if we go all the way back to the One Tower with you like that. Here," he took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "Take my jacket. It should keep you somewhat warm until we get there."

"Thank you," Alu smiled shyly, staring at the ground. "Sorry for all the trouble. I'm sure you like your jacket, Ikor."

"Don't mention it," he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I couldn't bare the thought of you being sick, Alu." The girl just smiled.

Eron watched the scene unfold and felt an odd knot in his tummy. His jaw tightened and he tensed as he saw Ikor touch Alu. It shouldn't have bothered him. Ikor was only trying to help, right? But the way Alu smiled at his friend instead of smiling at him made him feel.... Feel... Feel like...

"Eron? Eron!" 

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a soothing voice. He smiled, "You were saying something Alu?"

"Yeah," the girl gave him a concerned glance. "I said you look like something's bothering you. What's up?"

Eron glanced at the Ice Herald, he now had his hand on the small of Alu's back. A small irk mark appeared on his head before he took a breath.  "Nothing. Let's go back to the tower, shall we? I'm sure Riff and Trek are wondering where we are." 

The others agreed and everyone started to walk back. As they did, Eron tried to ever so casually take Ikor's place but pulled Alu close to him with more force than necessary. She didn't say anything though. She didn't mind. Eron guided her back, walking ahead of everyone else. "Let's hurry before you catch a cold, kay Alu?" The girl nodded.

Meanwhile in the back Ao-ki was grinning like a maniac while Ikor just shook his head. Holding back a chuckle.

This was not going to end well.


Hi hi!<3

End of the chapter. How do ya'll like the book so far? I'm enjoying writing it so I do hope you all enjoy reading it! That's all I have to say for now so...

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading!<3


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