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The next morning Eron woke up on the makeshift bed alone. The twins were no where in sight. He sat up and looked around, confused. Then remembered that Alu was usually on the roof early in the mornings. So he went up there. 

Once he was there he found Alu seated on the ground in a Lotus position. There were five white orbs of light floating around her and her eyes were closed. She looked like she was having a hard time doing whatever she was doing. 

"Morning Alu!" Eron exclaimed, startling the girl. The orbs popped with a 'pop' sound and and jumped as she opened her eyes. Thinking it was her twin Ao-ki,  Alu got really angry and was about to lash out when she met the giddy gaze of the Wind Herald. 

"Eron," she breathed, quickly calming herself. "Good morning," she then smiled slightly. "What were ya doin'?" Eron then asked.

"Nothing Important!" Alu replied hastily as if trying to hide something. Eron didn't notice, though. 

"Well, okay then! Let's go have breakfast!" he beamed and Alu matched his energy.

"Yeah! Let's go!!"

~Teeny Timeskip~

"That was great you two," Alu smiled at the Ice and Wind Heralds. They had just successfully mastered a spell to deflect the goon's dark ring thingies.

"We have an excellent teacher," Ikor said as a way of thanks and smiled. Alu smiled back at him. Eron looked back and forth from the two. Smiling. More smiling. He didn't like all this smiling. Not that he didn't like Alu's smile. It was the most beautiful thing on Gorm to him. But Alu should've been smiling at him! 

"Hey Alu, what other cool things can you do?" he asked innocently.

The question took her aback, "Uh... Nothing really. I'm not that good at anything really. I'm not that smart and I'm not that powerful. Ao-ki is the smart one and I'm the other one!" she said with a nervous chuckle. Then suddenly out of nowhere her twin appeared behind her with an irk mark on her forehead. 

"Alu," she spoke in a threatening tone. "What did I tell you about downgrading yourself?"

Alu froze....."A-Ao-ki... I..."

"I agree with Ao-ki!" Eron chirped, attempting to lighten the mood. "You're so talented and really smart!! You were able to teach even me! and that's saying something. You're the best Alu!!" Eron ran and hugged her tightly. Alu was shocked at first but soon hugged him back, embracing the feeling.

"Thanks Eron," she said, smiling. Eron, realizing just how close they were, blushed once more. Alu noticed and looked at him confused. "What's wrong? You're all red," she said. "Do you have a fever? Are you sick?" The girl was starting to get worried. 

"I'm fine Alu, I'm not sick. See!" Eron beamed and did a double back flip. "I'm as good as ever!" 

"I'm glad," Alu beamed once more.


Night fell and this time there weren't any loud noises to wake Eron up. But for some reason he still couldn't sleep. He felt like something was wrong Like something was missing. He sat up and stared at his door through the darkness. He went over to it, wondering wot he was doing to begin with. He opened the door and was surprised to see on the other side....


Yes. The younger twin was standing outside Eron's door, in a position ready to knock. She had bags under her eyes and looked exhausted. Her eyes were also puffy as though she'd been crying.

"H-hey Eron," she mumbled. "Can I come in?"

"Of coarse, sure. Why not?" Eron said, still confused but moved out of the way to let her in anyway.


Alu went in and sat on the Wind Herald's bed. He looked at her skeptically, she was quiet as usual but it was a different kind of quiet. She seemed off. "Hey Alu, are you okay? You seem a bit off," he asked. Alu looked at him, then looked at the floor, then back at him, trying to find words.

"I.... It's just that.... Well.... I know I'm probably too old for this but like..... And Ao is asleep but its..." she mumbled.

"Relax," Eron stopped her. "Slow down and.... Could you be a little louder?"

The younger twin took a deep breath, her cheeks going fifty shades crimson, and spoke. "I.... had a bad dream. Like a really bad one. And well, Ao-ki gets really cranky when she's woken up in the middle of the night so I thought maybe you....." she trailed off but Eron didn't need her to continue.

He smiled. "Sure! I'll spend the night with you, no problem. I used to have nightmares as a kid sometimes too so I get you." That was a lie. Eron couldn't remember the last time he'd had a bad dream. But he thought it would be the best way to comfort her so he went with it.

"Really?" Alu was already starting to look relieved. "Thank you." She made herself comfy under the blankets and Eron joined her soon afterward. The two got comfy and laid in silence for a while until.... "I can't sleep," Alu silently whined.

Eron chuckled, "Wanna talk instead?" She nodded vigorously. And so for a good two hours the two were telling each other stories about their lives and where they lived and just very random things most of the time until finally Alu dozed off and Eron soon fell asleep after her.


The next morning Ao-ki looked for her twin everywhere. She wasn't in her room, she wasn't on the roof as usual and shew wasn't in the kitchen. Riff, Ikor and Trek hadn't seen her either. Finally she resorted to Eron's room. It occurred to her that she also hadn't seen the Wind Herald that morning as well.

She knocked on his door. "Eron?" she entered immediately after. Inside, she couldn't help but smile at the sight that met her. Eron and Alu were snuggled up closely o each other on Eron's bed looking blissfully peaceful. As much as she wanted them to enjoy their sleep a little more, it was time to get up and train.

Gently she shook them both awake. "Lu, Eron, its time to get up. Come on," she urged. The two soon stirred and looked at her. 

"Morning Ao-ki,' Eron beamed.

"Good morning Ao," Alu yawned.

"So you two are sleeping together now, huh?" the guardian asked with a devious smile.

The way she phrased her question made Eron and Alu blush furiously. "N-no of coarse not... Not in that sense of coarse," Eron was quick to defend.

"I had a nightmare and you were asleep, that's all," Alu echoed. "That's why I spent the night with Eron."

Ao-ki only rolled her eyes playfully. "Whatever, now come on. It's time to get ready and train.

I believe Alu has something extra special to teach you and Ikor today, Eron."


Hi hi!! <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the book so far. I promise I'll be updating more frequently from now on so look forward to them 'kay??

Happy Day, Afternoon or Night and Happy Reading!!


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